People on Yas Forums still play the shitfest that is the Final fantasy series over various good JRPGs like Y's,Tales...

>People on Yas Forums still play the shitfest that is the Final fantasy series over various good JRPGs like Y's,Tales,Persona,SMT,Neptunia,Star Ocean,Monster Hunter,God Eater,Souls,etc

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I want to marry Chidori

She likes black dudes only


>Monster Hunter
>God Eater

Really? Do you REALLY think 6 hours cutscenes FINAL FUCKING FANTASY is the same genre as DARK FUCKING SOULS 0 literal 0 cutscenes, 0 animeboys, 0 turn based combat, 0 party members, 0 romance, 0 flashy shit?

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She likes black men you know this right?


Is God Eater good? 3 is on sale for Switch and the demo didn't give me enough to judge.

Legend of HeroCHADS WW@

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Dark souls is an rpg
It wasade in Japan
Therefore it is a jprg

Just because you happen to like them doesn't make them not JRPGs

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Who are you quoting?

>He cares what RPGs people play
But why

>DARK FUCKING SOULS 0 literal 0 cutscenes
each game literally starts with a CGI cutscene

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not this shit again

i guess Diablo is called an ARPG because its an RPG and was made in America

Even I couldn't like FF15.

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Season 5 when?

I play all of them.
Everything you listed, i've played.
They're all good.
Including FF.
So there.

smt is the only jrpg you listed that can hold a candle to classic ff

Okay now fuck off and stop using FMP for your shitposting purposes


RPGs started in America so the distinction was never necessary in the first place

What about RPG not made in Japan or America. Should we call Dark Messiah a FRPG ?

ah no

hi shlomo

Fuck off, ruggarell.

>RPGs started in America

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I've beaten my dick so much in high school from the thought of her having really thick bush

Just look at this COPE