Let's speculate about Crysis Remastered

>Starting this summer, Crysis Remastered will be available for PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and for Nintendo Switch.
Does this mean one or more of the ports will be delayed? Also, WHEN in "Summer"? Crysis's opening sequence takes place on the 7th of August, 2020.
>Crysis Remastered will focus on the original game’s single-player campaigns
Why the plural? Are they hinting at Warhead being included or added?
>nd is slated to contain high-quality textures and improved art assets, an HD texture pack, temporal anti-aliasing, SSDO, SVOGI, state-of-the-art depth fields, new light settings, motion blur, and parallax occlusion mapping, particle effects will also be added where applicable. Further additions such as volumetric fog and shafts of light, software-based ray tracing, and screen space reflections provide the game with a major visual upgrade.
That sounds absolutely kino.

Attached: EVt-j6zWAAALups.jpg (2512x1222, 501K)

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>that's nobody's business but the turks

I think Warhead is included. The assets are pretty much the same anyway.

this really highlights how little graphics have actually advanced in any meaningful way since the time of the original

Hope they go easy on the time jannies on this one

Now that you mention it, in the likely non-canon comic book where Nomad died, Nomad and Prophet found a time manipulation device aboard the Ceph ship.

>time jannies
Can someone give me a quick rundown? I never played final fantasy and am seeing it spammed non stop all over Yas Forums
What the fuck is this shit

FF7's remake tries to take some liberties on the story of the game. However, HISTORY NIGGAS arrive whenever this happens, seeking to correct the story and thus go back on the track of the original game's events.

I seriously don't think they would do that to Crysis right?

I think it will be crysis, but remastered

Yeah. But it is true that most of the advances they are putting visually in the remaster will be with lighting and shadows, some particle fidelity improvements and texture resolution as far as Crysis is concerned because it was just that damn revolutionary in its rendering. Biggest deal is going to be proper multicore support.

My biggest worry at this point is the possibility that they are using a beefed up Xbox 360/PS3 version of the game as a base that has some downgrades like no VTOL level and changes to the suit and UI. I hope they either add them back in or did a proper port. It's going to be a damn shame if they did that.

Crysis' story is already fucked. There's that they supposedly retcon but no one has a clue what happened to Nomad at this point.

What are they remastering, the PC version or the console version? If I buy this I want a remaster of the PC version, I don't want console FOV and controls.


The first half of the game is good but that alien shit sucked donkey balls

I bet it runs better and looks alright but people complain it's worse because of the compensations it makes.
So like every remaster in the past couple years.

Not waiting for PS5 and Xbox SX is the dumbest marketing decision
Like Crysis 2 and 3, the game will look like shit because of the bottleneck consoles taking too much time to port

It'll likely use the Crytek UK port's controls or at least default to them. Because they're good. Most of the hate against them is kneejerk from people who've never played it and associate it with Crysis 2. As for the actual level layouts and stuff, there's no point using the 360/PS3 versions. Those were designed around 7th gen hardware limits. They'll be using the PC versions as a base, and probably referring to the PS3/360 versions where appropriate. The thing is, porting Crysis to a new version of CryEngine is not trivial. You can't just import the files and click compile. The engine changed too much over the years. It's radically different to how it was in 2011 when they made the older port. (But I think the UI code is likely still compatible.)

PS5 and SeX both have backwards compatibility for this gen, I think it'd be really easy for them to port it to next gen.

>software-based ray tracin
I hope you can run this demo at 60fps user

It's almost certainly going to have adjustable FOV on PC, and probably even graphics options on consoles. (See Saber's work on The Witcher 3.)

The console controls restricted freedom

>The console controls restricted freedom

Pretty sure user was just saying that in jest but Nomad's side of the story is kind of left in purgatory unless word of god or future content picks it up again.

>In one book, supposedly died when going back to the Lingshan Islands with Psycho and Prophet
>In Crysis 3 logs, a CELL agent allegedly found Nomad
>According to a guy who allegedly knew a Crytek employee, Nomad would have his own storyline in a Crysis 3 DLC that was scrapped

The Crysis 2 time jump and protag switch was a huge mistake in hindsight. Very similar to FEAR 2 and replacing Point Man. Either Prophet, Psycho, or Nomad would have been acceptable protags. Hell, that chick voiced by Claudia Black from the first game would have worked. You gotta preserve that connective tissue so people FEEL the story. Crysis 2 felt like it was pandering to the new Crysis fans who had never played Crysis before, and the result was confusing for everyone.

Square Enix realised they didn't want to incur the time and cost of remaking the game properly so decided to massively water down the game and alter the story to facilitate episodic content, and to get around the fact that they were conning their customers actually tried to make it part of the FF7 universe lore. It's almost genius to anyone retarded enough not see what they are doing.

Now I don't normally pirate, but I'm gonna steal this just to spite Cryniggers.
And I won't even play it.

Remasters, remasters, and even more remasters.
Devs realized they don`t need to make new games anymore, because you idiots buy the same game with upgraded graphics for a full price.

Attached: 1578365410868.gif (200x200, 3.89M)

Because Crysis 3 sold so well

>based on ps3/360 version
>saber interactive

>bad game sells badly
Woe befall us

But how did people know it was bad?

>10/10 game but with better graphics
>6/10 game
The choice is clear, devs are incapable of repetitive innovation.

I am literally only excited for this because The Witcher 3 needs to be replaced as a benchmark.

I played through Crysis last year and honestly it looks fine. Not amazing, which is probably what they're reaching for here, but fine.

It's kinda interesting seeing Saber work on Crysis considering they made TimeShift back in the day.

Crysis was a decent game that had decent reviews, and even if the SP was a bit short and unpolished, the MP was really good and deserved more attention. If Crysis had been a PS4/XBO launch title, it would have sold really well, methinks.