Name one flaw

Name one flaw

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>good game is bad because audience bad
Low IQs please leave

braindead combat

this. fuck off OP.

story's great but cutscene length and frequency are a bit much IMO. If the combat was better, I'd probably forgive it.

Entires series is great even dead souls
Yakuza 0/kiwami onlys are banes of the fanbase though

Running around the town gets boring

Why does this park in Osaka exist in 0 but then it's gone in 2/K2 but then it's back in 5. I'd say that's a flaw

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Being ported to PC

I don't really have a problem with those people, why do you have a problem with them? The crowd I have a problem with are the retards pretending they've played the new japanese only game when they clearly haven't, currently that's 7. The amount of people claiming to have played 7 to completion is mind boggling.

>boring combat
>repetitive fetch quest
yeah no its good but its no masterpeice

Awano: trying to redeem a guy that killed a villain for no reason and gave him a “heroic” death.
Makoto trying to save Oda, the guy who sold her. Was that supposed to be inspiring?
Kuze being seen as honorable. Only his first and last fights were fair.
Kiryu never killed a man. But let’s add a car chase sequence where he blows up a helicopter. I mean Nishiki in the end even stopped him from killing shibusawa in the end, the guy behind all his pain.

Its sequel

thats my flaw
also the shity QTE
they couldn't learn from shemnue or what

>Kiryu never killed a man. But let’s add a car chase sequence where he blows up a helicopter
He's not flipping batman user, he doesn't stick to that rule 100%. If you're in a helicopter you're getting shot down

pretty sure there are main mission in there nd theres definitly side missions like the waifu from the bathroom

But it shouldn't exist logically. They just copied it from 5 because their version of Osaka is based on the one from 5


yakuza games are flawed because of thE loading screen and instanced fights
judge eyes did it perfectly

>if you touch the girl i'll kill you
>doesn't kill anyone

Use taxis

That's not a judgment thing, that's a PS4 engine thing. Kiwami 2 also doesn't have loading screens

I couldn't get passed the karaoke shit at the start. Fuck this game.


oh dancing and karaoke is bullshit too

I'll name you 7

The colosseum
Weapon combat, which is as bare bones as it was all the way back in 1
Reused assets and animations, again, from all the way back
Certain enemies can armor through your attacks and cancel the recovery period of their own at will with no real consistency, which makes them terrible to fight as you can't really learn their patterns (looking at you, Media King)
Convoluted story
Dumb plot twists
Over reliance on tired old tropes

These are problems of the series as a whole rather than 0 in particular though

I still love Yakuza and will defend it to death

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I want to sniff her chair after the trip.


Karaoke is the best part of the game faggot

Combat is boring at best and frustrating at worst. You can't cancel out of moves, and if you're unlucky you can get stunlocked.

You're encouraged to use counter heat moves but most times the moves of the enemies aren't even designed for them.

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Everyone I've introduced the game to says the intro is too long, and unless you know who nishiki is I think that's a fair assessment, dude never shuts up

>You ready for me? Then step the fuck up, it's time to die
>never kill anyone

i was talking about kiryu
i dont remember majima saying "i'll kill you" and them letting the 3 faggots live happily

literally unplayable
i'm just playing with you user. 100% agree with you

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Not enough karaoke songs

Ending didn't have a Kiryu vs Majima fight where you pick who you play as.

yeah where the FUCK is machine gun kiss
get to the top with the crazy toned down would've been great too

5 Osaka is the best