Danganchads get in here and place your bets

>Fighting Game
>THH Reboot
>D3 anime adaptation
>Or get trolled and get nothing

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Hope to see more of my girl!

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>mfw its a mobile gatcha game

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>D3 anime adaptation
the fuck do you mean, Danganronpa 3 was already an anime

komaru and makoto dating ova

You all already know what it is...

DANGANRONPA PACHINKOOOOOOO, with better animations than the fucking anime

Fuck you ace attorney anime, how could a pachinko game make better animations with the original OST but you couldn't even reuse those for the anime

>tfw it's a broadcast to announce how the announcements are going to occur

>Uchi is one of the writers of one of the projects
>adds branching timelines and shifting
>you can save muku
I'd buy it

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All i want is no 4th wall bullshit. Can we have normal death game for once ?

I would really like a fighting game. That would be so fucking awesome.

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Hopefully it's a Switch port of 1-2 Reload.

If it was anything interesting it probably would have been leaked already. Nothing big survives without getting leaked nowadays.

I'm hyped but not optimistic. If it's really a new game then this is what I think Spike Chunsoft would care about-
>Has to include DR1 and DR2 characters in some capacity because they'll sell best
>Will attempt to be an entry point to the franchise for new fans, so won't be radically different in gameplay
>But will have more 3D models and environment and less 2D art to appeal to broader market. They'll have been looking at Atlas games and Persona 5's success. Also because Ace Attorney went 3D.
>Without Kodaka the series will remain frozen on old characters like Ace Attorney. The unique absurdity and style fall off. Won't be as bad as DR3.

So I predict
>A reboot of DR1 with meta-awareness that's been a series hallmark. Class is a mix of new and old, murders play out different. Art done in 3D won't hold a candle to original look, it won't be as weird as UDG, won't have the polish of Atlas. It will be a good trial game. The ending will attempt to do something with the canon plot and annoy everyone.
>Also DR1 and 2 remaster, sold separately and for $15 more than you think they're worth.
>Mobile gacha board game if they're feeling really ambitious.
>Switch ports

Pachinko makes more money than anime.

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Fighting game or a main game with no connection to the older games other than Monokuma

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>>Uchi is one of the writers of one of the projects
>>adds branching timelines and shifting
>Ultimate Shifter
Now I want to see it too.

>or a main game with no connection to the older games other than Monokuma
is that what you think it'll be or what you want it to be

They said they wanted this to feel like a class reunion, so I doubt it would be a game with no connection at all.

>a main game with no connection to the older games other than Monokuma
You already got that with V3 and we saw how that turned out

>secret video found featuring Rantaro
>he survived the first round
>was locked in his room and couldn't get out
>saw everything unfold from his monitor
>did a little investigating and found a rarely used ability from the flashback flashlight
>the ultimate shifter
>only known users are a pair named sigma and phi
>suichi uses it to shift back to the first trial
>Kaede: That's right I'm the kil-

Nice, we'll finally get a Danganronpa V3 - 2

>not connected to other games

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I've already set myself up to be upset if it's not a new main DR game.
a fighting game might be cool though

>a main game with no connection to the older games other than Monokuma
spotted the brainlet who wants to turn monokuma from a thing that actually exists within danganronpa into an empty mascot character

why are these retarded opinions so common? "I want a new danganronpa except for o more junko, hope, despair, connections to the other games and pretty much everything that makes the series what it is" - just play something else.


At the very least I predict one animation project and one videogame. The animation could be an OVA of either DRZero or DRIF.

The game could be a retelling of the story with Uchi on it to create branching timelines and saving characters. With you're newly saved classmates you go out into the destroyed world to rebuild, start the future foundation, and rehabilitate the ultimate despairs. Gameplay is either a brawler or an RPG.

It's set in it's own universe separate from the other games
Having a few 4th wall breaking references doesn't make it connected

Whatever happened to Gambler's Parade? Did that ever finish? Translations stopped coming in a long time ago.


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but also a boner

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is there any evidence for this?

not that much of despair

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Nice headcanon bro
I can't believe you still seethe about V3 to this day

VR remake



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You seem to have the same misconception that brainlets who hate the ending have.

You can't be serious.

I hope it is something fun like a fighting game or other non canon spin off with no story so all characters can be featured without any regard for the plots of the games.

Did we play the same game?
There's two universes, the main continuity where everything that happens is real, and the V3 continuity where the other games were all fictional