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FF 13 is fucking horrible but I did hear 13-2 is actually somewhat decent. Can anyone attest to that?

I prefer FFXIII:LR to the first two games.

Each entry is better than the last

Nomura can do no wrong

FF13 is amazing

FF15 was an industry changer

FF7 Remake is the best game ever made

13-2 is better and LR is pretty good. They got better with each game.

what other trilogy's were there between 2010-2020?

Too bad I played the first one and got turned off to the point of where I'm never giving the sequels a chance


Attached: lightning-nude-from-final-fantasy-xiii-01.jpg (1200x1200, 43.7K)

I never did get around to playing Lightning Returns. I guess Serah is still dead.

But it can't qualify, the first game came out in 2009.

What other trilogies started in 2010? This might be objectively true.

I fucking hate these characters

Give me Lightning wife!

Attached: Cute Lightning.jpg (400x566, 41.37K)

Did Toriyama write this?

Is the only true answer.


Moms are tough.

Anyone who unironically thinks this doesn't actually like video games. XIII is the only FF game I actually dropped midway through because I couldn't stomach it anymore. It makes II and XV look like masterpieces by comparison.

Thank you user! You are a good user! Give me cute mommy wifes!

Attached: Mommy Wife Scholar.jpg (3028x1600, 676.19K)

I apologize.

the only thing i can think of that actually had 3 games come out was the tomb raider reboot.

Good ost.

FF13-2 would have been excellent as a standalone game, but the connections to FF13 ruined it

My first thought was maybe the Arkham series if you exclude Origins, but Asylum came out in 2009.

Bioshock was from 2007 to 2014
Witcher was 2007 to 2015
Gears of War was 2006 to 2019
Saints Row was 2006 to 2015
Just Cause was 2006 to 2018
Just a few I can think of

Given the same time frame these games came out, the ones that come to mind are Mass Effect and Assassin's Creed 2 if we want to call that a trilogy. Or the intial Desmond trilogy. Given how badly ME3 shat the bed, and how shit everything that wasn't AC2 was, I'd give it to FFXIII by default.

Lightning was awful and so was the vast majority of the FFXIII cast. Everyone was so fucking one dimensional in that game. It was exhausting listening to Snow monologue about heroism every five seconds.

The billion and one asscreed games

Dark Souls started in 2011 and ended in 2017. Even if you're someone that hates those games, there's no way you can claim that trash fire XIII and its sequels are better.

They are the worst and exemplify the worst parts of JRPG writing

I have completed all three and can confirm that each is better than the last.
LR > 13-2 > 13

I accept.

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Oh, for some reason I thought DaS came out in 2009.

Glad you’re safe wife user. Shine on.

The entire "game" is one extended corridor walk broken up by the occasional fight or cutscene.

I'll never understand how Yas Forums can bitch and moan about walking simulators but defend FFXIII to the death.

That was Demon's Souls, which is technically not part of Dark Souls.

Gonna agree, I would rather play all three Dark Souls

no lies detected

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I was high on Xanax and drunk through all the games so I can't say I really remember them. But they were good and easy enough I finished them

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13-2 fixed much of the battle mechanic problems, but i stopped half-way through because the story and quests were boring

13-2 is phenomenal. Granted it has to make use of 13's weak cast and stuff but somehow fucking does it

Anyone who likes rpgs or final fantasy should definitely play 13-2.


I'd like to traverse Lightning's fucking tunnel.

>Each entry is better than the last
cringe i'm not falling for this shitty bait

Attached: lightning__by_ae_rie_by_antsstyle_ddjugd8.jpg (960x1322, 132.21K)


LR is a legit great game that I feel would’ve been better not involved with Final Fantasy

But it's true
If you played the games you'd know
Stop being a faggot

It's not that hard to be better than trash so user's actually correct.

I couldn't finish XIII out of pure boredom. That was after chapter 11 too "when the game gets good" It doesn't.
But, I was able to finish the release version of XV just fine, even though I was liking it less and less as I went through.

Same but LR

how is it bait
ff13-2 was a lot more fun than ff13

If FF13-2 was a standalone FF game, where would it rank among the franchise?

Thank you user! You are a good user! You are a good friend user!

Attached: Wife Dance.webm (656x540, 2.9M)

13-2 is like a mix of FF13, Chrono Trigger, and Pokemon

I went through all games released in 2010 - 2019 and I can't find any good trilogies besides Dark Souls. FF13 arguably doesn't totally fit this since the first game was released at the end of 2009 in Japan.

I am deeply sorry for this cunt's shit taste.

Yeah, so none of those.
Great job listing trilogies that started before 2010, so they don't apply.

That XIII-2 ending bros.. Why'd that have to do that to us

Dark souls

XV is even shittier than XIII. At least XIII has some level of challenge and depth eventually, XV is braindead throughout the entire game.