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is this some new wojaks?


hahahahahahaa, unironically smirked

epic for the win

someone post the "le necro skull-fuck" one

yeah i actually laughed wtf

were ragecomics SOUL??

Ummm, no. Those are called "ragefaces", they are proto-wojaks in a sense, but now that wojak has replaced them, I am trying to force a resurgence of them in a sort of ironic meta-commentary about the board. I would greatly appreciate it if you also posted some ragefaces. We're in a meme war.

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this shit originally died here when it spread like wildfire on reddit

why hasn't wojak and variants died here given its spread on reddit I know its because Yas Forums is reddit now I don't even know why I'm asking

someone wojak this shit

>Why hasn't this image that always generates guaranteed responses died
Gee it's a mystery to me. I thought if you told people who were trolling and shitposting how upset you are, they go away.


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Fuck frogfuckers and fuck soijaks

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from a simpler time

They were. For a time.

based, soijak trannies are seething

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spitting some hard facts that'll right over these retards' heads
can't wait until they post the petition again

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Someday I'll turn to a farmboy and say, "Yes, I knew him. We fought together in the Meme Wars."
Fight on bro


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failed again


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I don't know why. Ragefaces just fucking make me cringe hard while wojaks don't even though wojaks are 100% worse. What the fuck is with this

>9gag kiddie trying THIS hard to make ragefaces a thing again

it's almost as if one's better than the other

Imagine being nostalgic for a shitty old Yas Forums meme you saw on 9gag. Fucking zoomers.

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nah, they were about as annoying as any overused and reiterated ad nauseum meme can get
I dread to think some asshole years down the line will be nostalgic about wojaks, but it's exactly the case


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ragefaces are less cringe than oocers at least.

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>having 9gag live rent free in your head

How is he wrong? I can't imagine an actual oldfag wanting rage faces back so the only alternative is that you're a faggot zoomer that saw them on 9gag and now you're nostalgic for them.

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everything returns to zero. it is inevitable

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Reminds me of pic related

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Jump off a bridge if you want to act like rageface garbage is any better than wojakshit or whatever we currently have.