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is it even out yet?

for like 3 days

fucking shit, It lost the good aesthetic it has because the dev replaced the artist with someone cheaper. fuck that cunt and fuck this shitty game

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It's ok. It's 15 dollars for upped graphics and new weapons. Same 2 enemy types AGAIN for some reason. Kind of regret my purchase a little.

the lack of any improvement to the game design is because they fucked the original designer over.
This was just a cashin project

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I honestly don't think the graphics are better. They're higher polycount sure, but they're also completely generic now.
The original game had a cool sort of minimalist look with the low poly, flat textures, and soft lighting. It looked pretty good in action.
The new game, by contrast, looks like an asset flip. Tons of generic realistic level props and textures that you would find on any 3d model store. It looks like a unity asset flip. Absolutely no soul. The only thing that's I would consider an improvement is that the HUD and menus are better

nailed it

The low-polycount and flat textures paired with knowing that the game was made for a weekend game design competition really added to charm and soul. It's the kind of game that was unique and perfect in its own way. Adding a sequel ruined it all, which sounds all too familiar.

It could've been good, but it's not

The issue with the graphics is that it lacks any style/aesthetic.
Also, for some reason I dont get a sense of unease when playing unlike 1. The sound design contributes to that and the guy who does the tapes this time delivers his lines poorly.
It just feels lazy all around.

>begin to obsessively spin the cylinder to set it on the blank barrel

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Do I seriously have to unload my weapon each time I want to pick up a tape on the off chance of the threat? Putting the safety on certain guns didnt change anything.

you have a bunch of time to unload your weapon if you listen to the actual tapes

locking the chamber back on automatics also help i think

>fire as i try to unholster
>as i go to holster again to reload the magazine, the game crashes
something tells me this needs some more time in the oven

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the low poly made the bot stick out more.

witch i think helps and huts the game.

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i like how that if a bot fires, it'll still have a bullet in the chamber, and if you shoot out the ammo box, you can still get shot afterwards if you're not careful

Unless you're playing without the sound it's really fucking easy to tell when you got a threat tape.

there's 3 new killbots you can encounter if you aren't a fucking shitter

Attached: Receiver 2 close call.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

I'm so glad I went into this game blind.
First time it happened I shat bricks.
>the gun turns ominously slowly towards me
>pull the mag out
>remember there's still a bullet in the chamber when the gun is almost pointed at me
>impulsively fire the weapon, just missing my face


>it didn't cock the gun first

Every time after that is a lot less spooky when you know it's coming.

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yeah that is a nice detail.

i wish the movement had was more advanced.

i was thinking of how in MGS first person camra you can kind of "tip toe"

and sometimes it is hard to tell if guns can hit you through

Why do taze drones fill me with such a primal fear?
Years later I still just turn into a spooked beast whenever I hear the whirring close by.

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they are such a pain to deal with
at least with a turret you can get out of its line of sight but these things?
they're relentless! and much harder to hit

Attached: Receiver 2 quick on the draw.webm (1600x900, 2.28M)

Actual terror

Attached: Sleeper.webm (1280x720, 2.76M)

>lose a rank if you quit the game
How in the fuck did no one call bullshit on that before release?

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Its more difficult to fight them on your terms.


a lot of roge likes do that i think

type INSIGHT when you get in-game

I swear to god this is actually a horror game.