
The patch notes for the new patch are finally, finally out and nobody's talking about it, what the hell Yas Forums? I thought you liked Splatoon.

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Not much to really talk about

I got bored 6 months ago and stopped playing. I still coom to the porn though

Is this game dead

Everyone is too focused on Nogami's other game right now, but I suppose it's cool I can play tracks 20-26 freely I suppose.

Without splatfests, the game is boring.

I got tired of farming for chunks and dropped it sometime around the final splatfest. It's still a very fun game, but I highly doubt I'll ever pick it back up again.

There's plenty to talk about if you actually play the game. I guess Yas Forums just wants to fap to the squids though.


I play the game doofus, it's just updates don't gain much attention. Last update was the same

the n-zap buff might actually get me to use it.

That buff was only for the '83. And the '83 is still massively inferior to the '85 as a support weapon.

The weirdest changes are to the Baller. I don't understand what they're trying do with it.
>Extended the time you have to hold down the ZR Button to trigger this by roughly 16/60 of a second.

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Lmao you care waaaay too much about splatoon, my man. It's just a filler game until the next mario comes out. The fact you're out here min maxing this kids game is so sad lol

>still no Explosher buff

They actually nerfed it. The custom boom bucket now moves slower when you're in a baller.

I honestly don't like the new interaction with toxic mist. If I'm inside a plastic bubble, I should be able to move full speed through a toxic mist cloud

>Gets its 50th nerf in a row
literally no one ever used this thing after its first month, it's baffling

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For some reason Japan is still convinced Brellas are the best weapons even though nobody uses them.

I think some nips still use it like a reinhardt shield

Still waiting for offline bots

t. a+ scrub

it's a very common weapon in competitive play

I guess they're trying to increase the viability of it, but nobody is gonna care about such a minor buff. It's like they're unwilling to admit some things are fundamentally weak or strong and so just put in the tiniest buff or nerf they can to see if it'll affect the meta.

but you were never able to even do that much. Maybe around its release, you could make a dedicated push if you coordinated with your team, but it was never a defensive tool by any stretch, and now it just dies to every weapon in the game

Splatoon 3 when?

Tenta Camo Brella is currently the 14th most used weapon in X rank and the 21st most used weapon in League, being the most popular of the brellas. It's not hard to see why it's been nerfed.
2023 at the earliest.

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Can you fuck off? We were having a nice thread and you had to come in here with your esports statistic bullshit. Nobody cares. The umbrella sucks. Accept it and get over it

Fuck, what I do I even talk about? Everything lore related has been discussed. Speculations have already been made. Patch notes are cool and all, so I guess I will just play the game and get a feel to see a difference

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Why is Yoshi there

why does agent 3's gender keeps changing?

Because they don't have a canonical gender since the agents are just player self-inserts

>implying you wouldn't marry a yoshi

>Heavy Splatling
>Decreased variance of shot spread when firing while on the ground by roughly 6%.

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