What do you think of Reshade?

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Need to increase the grain a bit I think

Pretty terrible dude, you shouldn't over sharpen as it creates aliasing and gives you eye cancer. This game's textures are already too sharp so any further sharpening won't look good.

It's your game, though.

Attached: 43.gif (1920x1080, 2.56M)

I thought I could make the game look better but reshade is barely a band-aid. It just looks a little bit different.

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That picture looks awful, so no.

>Daily updates
>This is great
>They change how the economy works literally every day

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how do you install the updates from the mega folder?
Also whats the password?

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Really wish they would work on fixing perks and adding content for kingdom management rather than nerfing anything fun in the early game. They nuked the entire games economy because they thought caravans were too much fun.

Wtf happened to my game that made my white guy brown? I play one day, he's pale. Get on the next and he's fucking BROWN. Did they do a patch that just turned everyone's skin darker? WTF?!

nazi's btfo'd


Anime mod when?

How will it work?


what the fuck is wrong with you faggots? how is it fun to steamroll the economy, subsidizing your entire army for the rest of the game with 2 workshops and a caravan without any risk at all? the game is about strategizing, and sometimes you fall up short and get set back. it shouldnt be about metagaming easy bullshit

you see, it'll be exactly the same, but it looks anime. this is all anime faggots care about

Yeah but what style of anime?

Attached: anime.webm (576x420, 2.91M)

The workshops and the caravan shit is the fun.
Getting a town instantly sorts you for all the money you will ever need while a well placed workshop or two will still mean you need do shit to progress.

probably the gayest one

two workshopd will completely subsidize your army for a good portion of the game. the only reason i got a caravan is because i had too much money to sit around on already just from the workshops and primarily fighting looters. every investment pays off too quickly, while idk what you mean by fun when these things are entirely passive

>My stewardship is stuck at one
Anybody know whats causing this? I have a couple of mods installed and am at 1.2 patch wise.

>i dont get what you mean by fun
Workshops require looking at what is around you and trying to make a smart decision. Watching that payoff is fun.

ill just list off some obvious shit just in case
>are you set to steward in the clan menu?
>do you have any focus points in steward?
>have you ever bought anything other than grain?

>one town makes [material]
>workshop refines it and subsidizes half your army
do you really think that requires a cognitive level above kindergarten? i get that positive income elicits dopamine, but its far too easy. in warband it was way more difficult to afford workshops that were good, so either you really grinded to afford velvet workshops, or you made jack shit on a brewery. i think that might be a main problem now that i think about it, its a flat rate for anything, whereas the cities should probably have the worjshops corresponding to thei fief production, and you should be charged based on their income through that system

its called tanning

>One town makes thing
>it makes profit
>profit good
Im glad that you are satisfied with your overpowered 200 denars a day. Im just saying that the little bit of observation required, comparing at the prices of materials and the prices of products to get more than just 200, is fun.

>adding content for kingdom management
This, I have stopped playing for now and will be waiting for all management to be added before playing again.

suck my dick

based kara boga developer btfoing nazis

>using levels to clip the blacks and whites
>adding noise on top of that
>sharpening the shit out of it too
it looks like you poured coffee on a 90s graphics card

Holy shit they finally fixed siege ai beating down the first door and then ignoring the second one, this is gonna be great, how many fewer losses when besieging will I be looking at here?

Also now that siege ai is fixed all they need to do is fix the throwing weapon ammo perks and I will be completely happy with the game

I'd like any fucking perk at all to work, really. Just one.