

Attached: there_is_a_correct_answer.png (1261x939, 21.23K)

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Locked 90 fps

are you autistic


B, i dont want my computer to kill itself trying to render a game as fast as it possibly can


Locked 90fps, 90hz.

freesync makes A the preferable choice

The left obviously
Who doesn't have an adaptive sync monitor these days wtf?


am i retarded why would you pick B

B, I'd rather my components last a very long time and I like to keep my room cool.

capped at 144 144hz
eat shit retard

B obviously.
Its the consistency that's important.

B. Lower temps and strain on my gpu

60 FPS is unplayable. Fluctuating fps is not ideal but if it's mostly above 110 it's okay.



Literally irrelevant, I guess A because I'll get a little kick out of seeing how high it goes.

B because I can notice when my fps drops from 120-110 suddenly and fucking hate it. Realistically I would cap it at 100fps in that situation though.

Neither. There's a reason why actual art is 24 fps


It doesn't matter, the human eye can only see up to 12 frames per second. Everything else is place bo.

im fine with 30


Convince me I'm wrong

once you reach 40 fps no one can distinguish frame rates smaller than 10 fps apart. at 60 fps you need to go up by about 40 for ANY discernible difference. not only is 144 excessive, so is 120. 60 is perfect, 100 for audiophile-level "enthusiasts", or more accurately "autistiasts"

proof: if it was so easy to see a difference between frame rates, people wouldn't need FPS counters

uneven frame pacing

Fine with 22fps myself

Attached: 0f2.png (212x245, 78.26K)

B because I care about my rig.

You pick A or B. Is everyone an idiot who writes in a different answer on a multiple choice test and argues with the teacher? Your fedora is showing.

You can pick A or B, then add on additional thoughts.

Drops from 144 to even 130 are distinctly noticeable, so it doing it constantly would be eye cancer. I would rather have a stable 60.

no one needs an fps counter to detect fps changing
you can detect a 5 fps difference just fine, you can tell the difference between 75 and 60

>Salary fluctuating between $2500-$3500 averaging $3000
>Locked on $1500

tl;dr you're retarded for even asking this question.

Need gsync/freesync to put up with A, and if you're paying for that you owe it to yourself to use it.

i'm not an autistic zoomer so i don't give a shit about either

Attached: 1586877712826.jpg (994x1200, 101.28K)

actually good bait

not even comparable and you're a fucking retard

>Pick A
>fps spikes
>clip through the map and die

Attached: 1586311211502.jpg (700x394, 91.55K)


Locked at 30 fps

>physics tied with framerate

The human eye can only see 30 fps so both of those are pointless anyways

>pick either
>play console game ported to pc
>have to play it at 30 fps anyways

Attached: 1513346626646.jpg (312x219, 9.8K)

This is masterful bait

75+ fps is very smooth and the 100-144 fluctuation won't be too jarring. Locked 60 fps is fine, too, but the extra frames are better. None of these options will drop below 60, and the alternative won't be as jarring as 75 to 60, or 60 to 50.

Option A

Locked at 24

>100 to 144 cheeseburgers averaging 120 cheeseburgers per second
>locked 60 burgers

Holy fuck how stupid can you be

>not taking the third position
Fuck your false dichotomy.

Now do a food analogy

why not c 100fps because your monitor has freesync I hope


>averaging 120mph in a 144mph zone

>driving 60mph in the 60mph zone

Based ChadRT Poster

You could have scrolled past the thread, but no, you had to fling your shit.

suck my dick, brainlet
there is no such thing as "too much of a good thing"
the higher the FPS the better, no matter if it goes up and down, it will always be higher than 60 which is all that matters and you are the retard

It is not the eye that sees, but the mind
Yall niggas minds is broken lmao

Attached: IMG_4233.jpg (360x409, 18.88K)


>amd videocard
..... yikes

whatever retard

*farts in your face*

Option A, because I use Freesync

A by a mile (as long as the frame time is good)

>jewvidia shill

can't you just max it at 100 then instead of 60? are people genuinely this retarded

*teleports behind you*

you can use FreeSync on either, retards

*shit particles land on your eye because of the fart*

30 may be unplayable, but 60 is fine as it is. That and triple digit FPS puts a strain on my computer.

consistent shit is still shit


*bounces off my eye into your mouth*

Uh, no. Without vsync you'll have frame tearing and pacing issues. If you're small brain and don't notice those things then lucky you.

fuck you

I would literally scream piss shit and cum at the same time if you dared to present me a 60fps locked game

*unzips my boipussy* go right ahead

Looks like you just got fucking rekt by user

Freesync doesn't work with Nvidia retard

*runs faster than the other user and fucks your boypussy*

How do you play older video games?

I scream piss shit and cum

*it was a trap all along my boipussy as teeth and they bite your dick off* nothing personnel... kid

*snaps my infinity gauntlet* heh, don't think so, kid.

im not gay retard you fucking shit ass piece of shitstain

Fuck your anus dentata
Thanks for saving me from excruciating pain

based retard

>no matter if it goes up and down

Attached: 14807682114252.gif (320x180, 1.76M)

I can do a backflip whích I reverse midair with a frontflip all the while remaining in the air after which I land