Will Xbox win 9th gen??

Will Xbox win 9th gen??

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They need Sony to fuck up substantially
Let's face it, MS fucking up with the kinect, always online, drm, and bullshit like 'cloud procesing' is what lost them the 8th gen
The PS5 will play PS4 games, why would they change to an MS console and lose their catalogue of already acquired games?

The SeX has a cool storage system though.

>no exclusives
>shit japanese support
No, same reason they never did before except it gets worse with each gen. The OG had good exclusives and jap support even if it wasn't as good as the competition, it was all downhill from there though

They have to have more than. HALO, Gears, Forza, (assorted B level games), and timed "exclusive" indie darlings on tap.


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I think its possible. They generally seem to have better practices and services like Game Pass (I'm on PC and I really take advantage of that) over Sony. For me, all they need to do is release another Killer Instinct and they win.

I don't think so, but I think it could be pretty cool.

>They generally seem to have better practices and services like Game Pass


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I find this hard to believe, sony has done fuck all to push PS Now

Too early to tell
They don't look like they're going to do bad though, they're making way better decisions now especially compared to the disaster that was the Xbone

9th Feb will be 7th gen all over again, mark my words.
>xbox shitting on playstation in a relatively close race
>Nintendo shitting on both with a cheaper console not built to directly compete

The Switch has already won it.

Im sure all those 7 day trials sony inserted directly into folks game libraries that were touched an hour after being activated are not counted in that.


>I find this hard to believe


>343i (Halo)
>The Coalition (Gears Tactics, Gears 6)
>Playground Games (Fable Reboot and Forza Horizon Japan)
>Compulsion Games (spiritual successor to Bioshock)
>Worlds Edge (Age of Empires 4)
>Undead Labs (State of Decay 3)
>Mojang (Minecraft, Minecraft Dungeons/more Minecraft spinoffs)
>The Initiative (Perfect Dark Reboot)
>Ninja Theory (Hellblade 2, Project Mara)
>RARE (Everwild)
>Turn10 (Forza Motorsport 8)
>Obsidian Entertainment (Skyrim-clone, Outer Worlds 2?)
>MSGP funding more 2nd and 3rd party games like Flight Simulator, Cuphead, Killer Instinct or Ori
>inXile Entertainment (Wasteland 3 and FPSRPG)
>Double Fine (Psychonauts 2)
>acquiring Tabatas new japanese studio
>the best versions of multiplats
>native 4k 60fps
>actual backwards compatibility
>GamePass ($1 a month to play almost 200 games)
>not censoring games unlike Snoy

Sony is LITERALLY on life support next-gen when the immaculate Phil Spencer BTFOs the fuck out of Sony with the Beastbox Sex!

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Let's be honest here, PS4 won because MS was shitting the bed, not for their excellence in anything.

I really think MS pivot to a xbox as a service (game pass etc.) is the only future of this industry, and Sony doesn't seem to have gotten that note.

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>9th Feb will be 7th gen
dumb phoneposter

This time their more expensive pricetag will be justified.

Who gives a fuck about tabata

>According to data gathered by SuperData Research, in the last quarter

Lmao what a bunch of bullshit numbers from a worthless source
Unless Microsoft or Sony straight up tells people "we have X million subscribers", then there is no way to know


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>They need Sony to fuck up substantially

I think sony is on their way to fuck up big time.

You cannot say that word

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Why are you doubting our research user?
Fucking ip blocked from images why do I have to be a fucking leaf.

trusting the companies more than an independent third party

sure microsoft or sony wouldnt lie about something like that right

>no reliable source
>you barely hear about PSnow meanwhile everyone is circlejerking gamepass from consoletards to pctards
Math doesn't add up sony pony

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>this fucking pic
oh man

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holy kek

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>Let's be honest here, PS4 won because MS was shitting the bed, not for their excellence in anything.

That's true, Microsoft shit the bed hard, Sony just needed to say they had games and they won.
Things are different now, we are back at 360 vs PS3 era.

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