All games on the market go down in price

>All games on the market go down in price
>Many actual amazing games

Why is this?

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Other urls found in this thread: nintendo games never go on sale

Brand loyalty.

RETARD nintendo games never go on sale

Cause its Nintendo and they get a pass on being stingy and tone deaf

Because people buy it anyway. You don't think that price drops happen because a company felt like being nice, do you?

God I love drugs and sex

Cuz they'll pay, simple as. This is being a friggin company 101. Make good game, customer pays good money.

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Why does she have multicolored hair

you're gonna buy it anyway

(you) are an idol now

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Nint*ddlers are willing to pay for $50 ports of 10 year old games, what do you expect?

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>He's an ugly bastard, thats about it.

No no no user, if I am to turn into a woman I am officially a turbo slut.

Nintendo games are brilliant and timeless and don't devalue like the shovelware everyone else churns out and then replaces with a new set of copy and paste shovelware six months later.

Sluttery is bad

>except for the few titles that sink in price instantly like codename steam and that sushi game

I'd fuck literally every man I came in contact with.


ask god

>busty anime girl idol
>has multicolored hair
>wears a choker
>dudes in this thread want to be her

what are you gonna do about it bitch boy

Wrong, her head is hanging from the edge of the bed with my pp in her throat and my balls over her eyes.

Because Nintendo games are a higher quality and don't depreciate.

They are not of fucking higher quality. Take the dick out of your mouth


They know their fans are blindly loyal and will buy anything at full price no matter what. Why would they lose potential money?

damn tra nnies looK like THAT!?

I like being a dude but if I had the opportunity to be a biological girl for like a year I'd take it. I have the sense to realize that will never, ever happen, unlike trannies.

Nincels are slaves.

I've had to break two switches that my NEET brother owns or purchased during this quarantine and the bastard's apparently ordered a third one, not getting the fucking hint. Maybe when it comes in I'll use a hammer this time so he gets the fucking picture and stops buying switches.

Single partner sluttery is rad

kek'd really hard, thanks guys.

Well yean
Monogamy is based

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Games are always going on sale through inflation.

What about harem sluttery?
Start a really big happy family.

She is 16 years old