Post video games with mutually exclusive fanbases

Post video games with mutually exclusive fanbases
I'll start
>Deus Ex

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they like both games


That is not what mutually exclusive means. What you are saying is that people can not be fans of both games, only one.


Love both, they're like the two big brain daddies of y2k shooters

Ok you win. But now that what the thread's purpose is has been explained stfu

Everything else

Doesn't work like that
make another thread or succumb to shitposting


Unreal Tournament and Quake 3 most of times


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Animal Crossing and DOOM Eternal

thats not nice son, back to your room

Half Life is for fags. I'm a Deus Ex chad.

shared feeling

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yeah, i can agree, played ut2004 when i was younger, quake just feels wrong to me

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fuck you kid what's your gamertag i'll 1v1 you swords on zanzzibar faggot

Asscreed and Prince of Persia

OP here this is what was meant. There are no fans of both deus ex and half life

Both are among my all time favourites. How exactly do you come to the conclusion that they are mutual exclusive in terms of fandom?

Nonsense. I like both.

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Quake 3 not having a real campaign felt wrong to me. I liked it a lot, but I prefer Unreal Tourney's sense of progression, and unique preset challenges.

Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 2


I can’t get that bullshit fucking 19 year old game to run, my frames drop to 3 when I get to the swimming tutorial and I
got bad stutters before that. What the fuck do I do?

That is literally the opposite of mutually exclusive?

Deus ex is a shit game dont even try to play it lol. It's just a game people pretend to like to seem interesting