Wanted a new Syphon Filter game

>wanted a new Syphon Filter game
>SF devs make open-world zombie game instead
>dismiss it as a TLoU knock-off
>gamers later claim its underrated
>buy it on sale out of curiosity
>expected it to be mediocre
>surprisingly found it to be fun

Attached: w2vbfta.png (1153x1476, 3.75M)

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you were right about the mediocre part

I'll check it out in a year or two when it's bargain bin. Been looking down on this game through my nose but heard it's unexpectedly fun.

It's like a Ubi open-world game, but with less tedious shit. It's not original in the slightest, but it's fun. Unlike The Last of Us, it's actually enjoyable, and not critic-bait.

Is this "fun" like Far Cry 5 is fun? As in a deceptively hollow experience that is as wide as an ocean and deep as a puddle? Or is it actually fun?

I never played Far Cry 5. The last Far Cry game I truly enjoyed was FC2. The world does feel hostile and alive. Which gives it a survival-horror element. The world isn't as dull and barren as MGSV's open-world.

It's slow and very survival heavy at the start. Deacon is an asshole and Boozer is just okay but you want to help him out, the hordes are horrifying in how quickly you die, regular Freakers pose very big issues even if they're alone because of how random they are, and it's so difficult to find reasonable materials. Once you get further along you start getting better perks (Double ammo capacity also doubles how much ammo you get from ammo pickups for example), NERO Injectors for Focus and stamina, and not-garbage guns it gets much less strict about conservation and more about traversing the world enjoying what you find while trying to survive against Freakers you do encounter.

Once you reach Lost Lake the game really starts to feel like it's found its footing and you know what to expect since you got through the tutorial areas, and the story starts going places, but yeah. It's a fun game for $20-40 for sure, just expect your usual Ubisoft-esque open world when it comes to things to do. The characters are also great, Deacon, Boozer, Iron Mike, Sarah, and Rikki really sell the game in my opinion.

Attached: DAYS GONE_20191120092821.jpg (1920x1080, 510.22K)

Deacon is essentially Joel from The Last of Us, but actually likable.

I know "it's a game" but I'm not a fan of the idea that you can just throw paddles on a Harley and you now have an ADV bike

The bike controls handle like a dream tho.

>its another "clear the bandit camp" episode
probably the most repetitive game I ever played holy fuck

Lol thank you for making the meme a reality.

Wasn't there some shit implying this game is set in the SF universe?

You think anyone involved with SF are still with the company, bozo? Its 2020.

You get the taser from the game if you collect all 18 or 19 NERO technology bits scattered about the world and craft it, even does the thing where it lights the enemy on fire if you hold it enough (But it's a useless weapon in this instance). There's also documents that I think namedropped the main antagonists of SF.

It's pretty decent

>expected it to be mediocre
>surprisingly found it to be dogshit

Attached: DAYS GONE_20190514175959.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

John Garvin who was the director of the Syphon Filter series, also directed Days Gone.

>expecting competent A.I.
>in an open-world game

This literally can only be happening on easy or maybe normal, Survival and Survival 2 for sure do not allow it, I'm not sure if hard and hard 2 does because I never played them, and you know it's one of the easier difficulties because of the enemy highlighting which doesn't exist on the higher difficulties. The detection range also goes up the higher the difficulty, the NERO soldiers for instance detect you if you walk maybe three people's lengths close to them and them looking in your direction at all is instant detection.

Is is good though? I'm on the fence between DG, the Evil With games, or Dying Light. How do they stack up?

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Dying Light is pretty solid, but only if you're into parkour platforming. The only good Evil Within game is the 2nd one. Days Gone is unoriginal, but decent and better than most Ubishit.

There's no fucking way this thing is in days gone, right? What the fuck is this thing?

Got it last Black Friday for $15 at Best Buy, haven't opened it, might give it a shot after I'm done with Persona 5 Royal.

The question is what are you expecting of it? Because based on your game comparisons I'm assuming survival horror, and in that case the "scary" aspect of the enemies is only played up at the start due to the lack of options and how scarce everything is paired with all the things you have to learn. You pretty much stop getting scared of bandits and Freakers around Lost Lake's first couple of story missions due to not having Stalker-tier beginner weapons that can't hit the broad side of a barn, you can easily get the M249 I think it was which shreds through hordes, on top of probably having some NERO injectors in your body to buff up stamina or Focus.

Once you reach Crater Lake they don't pose a threat at all whatsoever. You get napalm at that point, the submachine gun that is basically as good as a machinegun with a ridiculous magazine + damage, .50 cal rifles, full-auto sidearms, extended mags, tons of NERO injectors, tons of perks, your bike is as good as it can be and cross the entire map without needing to top up if you're efficient enough not to mention it can take a rough beating, you can pay for resupplying all of your ammo from your bike for a pittance, etc.

It's not. Every enemy in Days Gone is basically some form of mutated human or animal and only one of said human or animal, they never get like that puddle of humans. Could be The Evil Within.

Does the Survivor Mode keep the game scary/challenging?

Its from "Zygote" short film of Oats studio (Neil Blomkamp)


Dont forget to check out the "Firebase" from the same studio:


Attached: DtMU1IXVsAA1YTU.jpg (1200x600, 124.04K)

For a while longer, yeah. I played the game on Survivor 2 at the start because everything I read before I started said Hard is too easy and I think it was the right choice personally. Obviously mid and endgame is still going to be super easy just because of the perks, injectors, and ammo I had all the time. I was able to run for two minutes straight with all upgrades, could take about six hits without healing, never had issue with ammo, had some of the best weapons, etc. Lategame hordes were still scary though, I still made saves before I took them on because one mistake is a death.

Because of Survivor/2 the scarcity is twofold, your bike is a piece of trash for quite a while and consumes gas like it's hungry, you die in one hit and you don't ever want to put into HP because stamina and especially Focus are incredible by comparison, there's more important perks to take so you hold off on a lot you might take in easier difficulties (and I didn't know about the double ammo pickups with double capacity), you deal slightly less damage to humans that I could tell, you can't tell where enemies are at all with detective vision and its only use on that difficulty is looking at your minimap (Which is also disabled unless you go into detective vision which is a bit annoying when on a bike), enemies have ears like bats and eyes like hawks so you're detected way easier and farther away, etc.

>I know what i'll do, i'll tell him he didn't actually have fun with the game and that it's dogshit
Great argument. People can like things that aren't god's next gift to gaming, user.

one hit kill sounds like more pain than it's worth but if I'm gonna do it it'll be on Survivor, it's like Metro I've never played any of them not on Ranger Mode.


If you get like two injectors for HP instead of opting for stamina or Focus (Really bad move in my opinion) you can survive a single swipe by a Freaker, but with high stamina you can just run away, turn around, pop on Focus, and shoot the thing in the head. Like I said, endgame you can take up to around six hits and even with minor investment into HP you can survive one or two. People with guns are less scary, you can take a couple more even with base health, and it has a medkit system so you carry around ways to heal if you do get hit.

Keep in mind you can also just save by your bike as long as there aren't enemies around so the progress lost isn't that huge.

Focus is slo mo, I'm kinda gay for slo mo that's a huge plus.

It's okay. I played it for the first time a couple of weeks ago and it definitely wasn't as bad as people say. It starts off really shit since it takes a while to get good weapons,and skills. Once you have them its fun since you can mow down hordes, and actually have enough stamina to sprint and roll a lot.

Story is basic zombie world shit though. Trying to find out how it happened, trying to survive, and a lost lover story. Pretty basic stuff.