

Attached: ebin OC.gif (991x433, 11.93K)

Save-scumming can be a hard habit to kick, especially when playing stealth games.

I don't do that though. lol

I quick save and quick load constantly. Even the most minor of errors makes me feel like a worthless failure and enraged at my incompetence.

I don't get it, he's just quicksaving constantly. Is that something pc gamers do a lot? Because i never quicksave lol. This OC is garbage

I only quicksave and load if I've done a non-quicksave and load run before.

*installs anime girls mod*

I preferred the white Korra version

Literally me

Why doesn't this have wojaks?

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*uses a 'trainer'*

>feel like I'm barely playing the game
>don't savescum
>get bored of playing the same easy part over and over again when I die at a hard part
I hate video games

>Yakuza threads got worse after PC ports
>classic RE threads got worse after REmake got a PC port
>MH threads got worse with PC mods, though they'd been regressing over time
>Ace Combat threads got worse after PC
>Dark Souls threads got worse after PC
What else?

Imagine playing FF games without fast-forwarding and using savestates.


it's not the system its played on user, its that games are for normies now and so is Yas Forums

Yes you do.

if quick saving and quick loading are in the game, then you ARE playing the game

Yeah I do imagine and remember doing that and they are some of the comfiest memories I have playing games. What was your point idiot?

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pcfags: "lol haha i use savestates to beat old games, this is fine!"

silly reddit

I don't think that's really a factor since the end result is the same

>Muh nostalgia

only the best strawman arguments allowed ITT

You have nostalgia because you enjoyed the game.

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You gotta work a lot harder for that you, poorfag

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I don’t have any nostalgia for bad games.

RE has been on PC since the first game.

I’m trying to kick this habit in Total Warhammer 2.
I’m capable at the game, but a loss feels like such a setback.

holy based

*quicksaves in a bad location and at bad time*
awww fiddlesticks

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Save scumming can also be done on console, though. Not sure why being able to hotkey it to a button is any different from opening the pause screen and hitting save/load game.

But fuck you if you savescum. There's no point in playing any videogame if there isn't any possibility of failure.

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if mods didnt crash games randomly then i wouldnt have to rely on it

Fuck divinity and its buggy/obnoxious mechanics. I hate save scumming but I refuse to be fucked by bad systems.

Less so the mods fault but more so your inept PC's fault.


>Savescumming can only be done on PC
>Every PC player savescums
implying implications
nice to see something that isn't a wojak though

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cocksucking faggots taking this thread seriously

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