What went right?

What went right?

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Noctis looks like the left for 99 percent of the game though.
His game fucking sucks too

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>from anime to bara

cecil is hot af

The games turned to shit, so they had to compensate with pretty graphics.

hahahahahahahahaha i love it when non barafags misuse the label


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he is manlier than cloud

left is better

Thats not what that term even fucking means you stupid faggot

Zidane is such a slut.

>knows about faggot shit
>calls others "fags"

Jesus Ill give them that. Noctis look manly af

Got him

Noctis and his butt buddies dress like they're gonna form a Cure cover band.

Shut the fuck up

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anyone else think grown noctis looked hilariously disproportionate? his fucking head seemed too big

>Not manly

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The likes of Vaan or Zidane look like they’re going to form a Spice Girls cover band

Who is that on the far right?

His face would be indistinguishable from Rosa’s if he didn’t wear purple lipstick

FFVII Remake is the newest one and Cloud looks nothing like that.

FFXIV Warrior of Light in cinematics

In terms of looks:

Cecil > Squall > Cloud > Bartz > Noctis > Wol = Firion > Tidus > Vaan > Zidane

>Remake of a gay era (pre FFXIII) game
You sure showed me

>using the Noctis that is only in the game for like an hour

Cherrypicking at it's finest

yeah, they just slapped John Whick's head onto his body

Squall is the most handsome.

>FFXIV Warrior of Darkness in cinematics

The trailers were a fake-out.

Noctis is pretty much given an entire race change

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Cecil was cute
Thick thiiiighs

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XIII? You mean the game that featured a lesbian, a party bro, a nigger, another lesbian, a retard, and a 15 year old mommy's boy?

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Y'shtola > Luna > Lighting

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He sorta has a glam rock look, therefore girly.

The male lead (Snow) had some facial hair I think.

I'm offering a $1 million bounty on the head of the man who decided Cecil's hair should have dozens of blue pearls stuck in it

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in the sequels

>a nigger
Sazh is the only good character in the game, give him credit.

you want to kill Amano?

He was sixteen during the events of Final Fantasy IV.

I know, and it's a fucking tragedy

Faris = Rydia > Rosa > Lenna
I've only played two FF games.

Justice is blind. It cares not for the perpetrator, only the crime and its punishment.

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Asked my sister which FF protagonist she found most attractive, she said it was Tidus
Squallets can cope.

That's because Amano draws sameface

snow was ok too

On a side note, aside from Kefka and maybe Sepiroth, almost all villains are assured chads

>Asked my sister which FF protagonist she found most attractive
>She said it was Terra

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Those overly flashy desings by Amano were clearly inspired by Wuxia, i only realized that when i watched Thunderbolt Fantasy last year.

I'd try to argue with you but you are right, most FF main villains are chad incarnate.

They dialed up the retard on him a bit too far in a really hamfisted attempt to try and make Hope seem even slightly justified in his hate, but it backfired and just made it funnier that even the literal retard was more likable than Hope, the kid they clearly wanted to grow into the #2 Protagonist of the setting.

>start after ShB dropped
>see the WoL murder Zenos every time I boot the game up
>finally get to the scene
>he kicks your ass
weird feel

kefka is chad incarnate. Only bigger chads in the series are hojo, galuf and exdeath


Why did his eye color change? Also why did only Noctis age but not the rest of his faggot posse aged a day?

just because a twink has a beard doesn't mean it's bara you shitter

hope and snow are just ken and shinjiro done wrong, change my mind

Fuck, I’m older than Noctis and I don’t look like that. Dude looks like he’s 45.

>dude if i pretend to be retarded my entire life i won't be able to accidentally fulfill my focus!
>t. vanille
It was at this point that I turned the game off. That was 9 years ago and I still don't know what happens after that.

Noctis eye color changes when he uses magic/summons (seen when he channels Ramuh). That aside you asking a lot for SE, making not 1, but 4 new heads model? Nah, just slap a beard on prompto and say he aged

Now who is the most chad mentor character and why is it Auron?


The actual robot?

I don't understand how FF is so fucking shit now. Everything post 9 is just trash.

Smallbrain. 13 had the most complex narrative theme and character development in the series.


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Don't mind me, just posting the best chad villain

On a side note, they're all great, even Artemisia

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It's actually a scrap from Versus XIII, in it Noctis eyes change color when he feels death, since he's going to his death in the ending they are permanently red.

lmao that fucking mall ninja sword

I think that’s an anchor he just stole.