What's a good game that can be beaten within FOUR HOURS?

What's a good game that can be beaten within FOUR HOURS?

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Resident Evil

Bloodborne but you gotta be really good at the Old Yharnam skip

Silent Hill 3

He said good game

What is the original clip from?

Akuji the Heartless

metal gear rising

There's a fuckton of walking simulators that can be beaten in far less, but
>good game
you got me there.

Devil May Cry 1. Hell, 3, 4, and 5 can beaten in under 4 hours if you're quick enough.

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Portal Knights

>pissed pancho
the new race of white in the US everyone

Portal. You could easily beat it 3 times back to back in 4 hours.

Into the breach

Almost any classic platformer, Huffy Hernando.

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Slay The Spire
Nuclear Throne
Card Quest

Who's this lad?

Is this his most retarded criticism?

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salty sanchez

hostile hombre

Seven Dollars Santiago

What was his name again

Flustered Fernando

Rustled Ramon

Angry Aztec.
Wait, no, I fucked that up.

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agitated jose

ok but WHO WAS the angry aztec??

Spider-Man (PSONE).

Most Mega Man games.

Every resident evil game

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What Remains of Edith Finch
Little Nightmares

tempered taco

Total Biscuit

Resentful Ricardo


Katana Zero is fucking kino
and its also getting free DLC soon

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