Why did the church turn people into ayy lmaos?

Why did the church turn people into ayy lmaos?

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It's just like real life bro.

Why. Indeed.

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I got the impression that they were a form of biological 'transceivers' for Great One and other cosmic what-have-you-nots.
They're also implied to be orphans. This is particularly interesting because they're not considered "living failures" like the living failures, so using children instead of adults apparently yields better "cosmic" results; it's pretty fucked imagining the conversation between church doctors that lead to that.

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they became too smart

Well the research that let them create the ayy lmaos was based on an orphan great one, so it would make sense that orphans are better conduits (satellite dishes?) for that signal.


So, how is Lawrence related to the Moon Presence? The School of Mensis seems convinced that the church somehow summoned it?

But fake Iosefka turns adults into them all the same. How does the Choir even do this?
Do they just inject them with some goo from Ebrietas and then boom?

The real fucked up thing is Willem making Vacuous Rom.


Because they worshiped Kos like a God and wanted to become more than what they were, to ascend. This required experiments, either through blood and becoming beasts or by becoming eldritch monstrosities, some of which involved transforming orphans and other random people that just happened to be compatible. Imagine it as one giant hivemind to some degree.

They thought it would be funny. And it kind of was, at first.


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What's up with Micolash?
Is he just crazy or does he know exactly what's going on?

Why not?

Bloodborne would be a masterpiece if it weren't plagued by its godawful performance issues. How the fuck did a AAA studio get away with releasing something that runs at like 24 fps for the bulk of the game?

>But fake Iosefka turns adults into them all the same.
That's true, making the 'living failures' example more about how they sucked back in the day. Could still be that children yield better "results".
>So, how is Lawrence related to the Moon Presence? The School of Mensis seems convinced that the church somehow summoned it?
It's the "moon presence beckoned by Laurence and his associates". It could during the time Laurence was working with the church but before he went beast.

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Even worse than the low fps is the godawful vomit inducing framepacing and the shitty chromatic aberration. Also the retarded level design where they copy pasted a billion boxes, barrels, coffins and all sorts of trash doesn't help either, what is visual pollution.

Yes and also yes, like he critically frenzied in the perfect way.

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It should've been made for PC

Churches are all about ascension. Its always going to a higher plane, looking to the future to the next stage of existence.

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>shitty chromatic aberration
Considering how trippy the game inherently is, it's one of the few times it feels appropriate. Feels weird with it running like shit at the same time, though.

>where they copy pasted a billion boxes, barrels, coffins and all sorts of trash doesn't help either, what is visual pollution.
I like the clutter. Adds to the filthy, dank atmosphere that Yharnam has. Certainly makes areas like Cainhurst and Upper Cathedral Ward much more spooky with how empty they are by comparison.

>it's one of the few times it feels appropriate.
Chromatic aberration is never appropriate. The game would look infinitely better without that shit filter.

>Chromatic aberration is never appropriate.
It's a tripped-out effect for a tripped-out game and fits the theme and style of the game, keep (You)ing if you want but it won't change how I feel.

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Jap games having shitty performance is par for the course.

Experiments in trying to create a Great One. Upper Cathedral and Laboratory are filled with the failures.


>fug... we sug...

Why are Yas Forumslood/v/orne threads so based and confy, unlike soulscuck threads

Because people actually like the game.

Nobody cares about your meme game

>story taht's all just a dream
>boss betrays you and revealed as the antagonist (wow didn't see that coming)
>guns yet can't increase amount of ammo you can hold by a decent amount
>can't dual weild guns
>doesn't allow you to play like a tps yet includes guns
>aliens out of nowhere

The people who didn't play it are relying on 5 year old bait and it gets ignored or shut down pretty quickly. Whereas the people who enjoyed it are left to recognize its shortcomings and discuss the good parts.

>tfw no Bloodborne 2 or Sekiro 2
I hope ER will be good but aside from DONT TELL ME YOU DONT SEE IT there isnt much to be excited about yet

>tfw no Bloodborne 2
I don't want a sequel because I don't want them answering any questions for BB1. A prequel would be ideal, or go real nuts and make it a prequel set in the nightmare.

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weren't they experimenting to try gain immortality or something? just the usual terrifying shit

They were desperately looking for a way to force someone to ascend to the status of the great one, but they never could

Does Bloodborne really need a sequel?
Only thing I'd really want is an optimized next-gen/PC port to fix the performance issues.

I want Demon's Souls 2 first.
Bloodborne doesn't count.

It'd be better to have it take place years after Yharnam collapses completely and becomes something from myth.
>set in not-US amidst some kind of civil war, lots of civil war attire and weapons
>some kind of shit brought back by a college from ruins begins doing weird shit
Not much creativity is needed to pull off a good setting for a sequel that doesn't trample all over the first game.

>great ones are all about trying to get children because their kids die
>The church: "great ones are all about dead kids, let's kill ours!!!"

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What it needs is some sort of Chalice Dungeon expansion pack. With new Chalices and new rooms/enemies for all the Root chalices.