Games where I can play as a respectable woman? Men replies should not apply

Games where I can play as a respectable woman? Men replies should not apply

Attached: Women.jpg (539x820, 155.91K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>twitter thread

fuck women fuck jannies fuck twitter niggers and fuck faggot OPs

>waifu shit


I fucking hate trannies

Does it not know who designed these characters?

Attached: 1587148070580.png (1702x710, 392.93K)

damn, we...

Edelgard was designed by a woman


Is this a tranny


Take a guess

>Original Tweet has 4k Likes
>this tranny opinion has 8K Likes

can some one explain this to me?

Why can't these "people" accept that she was the most wrong in the whole game? If she was a man everyone would call her fans nazis.

Attached: 1553760788726.jpg (1062x1062, 133.03K)

she is literally hitler, thats why she is based

Can i get a source on image next to tranny flag pls?

At least you are honest about her.

thats a pitbull

cishets are irrelevant

shit thread, so here I am hoping to get a 3.
Here I go

You're looking at it

It's because Yas Forums worships transfolks and puts them in the spotlight all the time to enlighten normies who are in the dark

at what point in time exactly did twitter just become tumblr?

>call female characters shit
>trannies seethe
>coom to female characters
>trannies still seethe
The fuck do they want?

Around the time Tumblr stopped showing tits, I guess

i like this 7!

It's such an Edelgard fangirl thats this video was the only muted tweet

Why should i respect the opinion of a partner skull basher?

So that's the "open mind" leftits are fighting for...