So is he alive or not?

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you can't be that hot if you're dead

Yes and no. Alternate timelines.

I think he’s still dead but he dies later on. There is no way for him to be alive. Him being dead is literally Cloud’s character arc and the reason why he has the Buster Sword

Differet Stamp, different timeline.

This alternate timeline

The only way this asspull would be acceptable is if Cloud got tossed out for being worthless as fuck, and Zack was kept as the experiment since he was Sephiroth tier in terms of power. It'd be a nice way to bring Cissnei back who has vanished off the face of the planet after Crisis Core. She "betrayed" the Turks to free Zack.
Why was Zack so weak despite being SOLDIER?

Attached: tenor.gif (376x498, 3.42M)

Because Cloud and the party defeated the history niggas, they no longer exist in any timeline so they couldn't enforce Zack's death in that timeline.

This makes no sense. If the implication is that Zack was supposed to die no matter what, there wouldn't be different timelines. But even with the time jannies dead, you can't CREATE a new timeline unless you travel back to the past and change something to splinter it off from the original timeline. But even that can't work because Zack is already dead in nu-Cloud's timeline.

>you can't CREATE a new timeline unless you travel back to the past and change something to splinter it off from the original timeline
Depends on the setting. The fact that they showed Zack surviving while also showing Cloud and the party continuing on their journey confirms that multiple timelines exist at the same time in this universe.

The problem is that the timeline doesn't split until they kill the ghost janitors, but they never kill the ghost janitors until after Zack dies.

>Depends on the setting
I get that, but don't the time jannies and their very existence imply that there would have only been one timeline until somebody killed them and altered destiny?

They spirits are just dreaming of their past on the lifestream. They are all alive. It's not timetravel, it's spirits dreaming of their past life. Time jannies are not time jannies, they are memory jannies. If you break the loop, you go back to life. Sephiroth wants them to come back. FF7 Original was the real deal, the world ended, they all went to the lifestream. Sephiroth is willingly trying to push Cloud out of it, so he can try again his niggery.

Screenshot this, I'm an insider.

He is a faggot and I have never understood the mentally ill people who cling to his minor existence in a dated video game.

Depends on what the majority of fans want

Behold the glorious truth of waiting for the next part

can't say but apparently sephie lifestream changes are rippling through parallel universes

I suppose it was linear before, but I guess killing fate itself kinda blew time into smithereens.

There is no timetravel invovled whatsoever. There are just different timelines that all follow the same flow of time, but each respective universe's "present time" is at a different point, and after timejannies' demise, they'll inevitably start diverging from each other altogether.
(pic related applies to when timejannies still exist)

Attached: FFVIIR-How-Timelines-Work.jpg (800x600, 54.49K)

Another timeline yes

Obviously when they kill the ghost janitors they die in the past as well.

Thats some FFX shit man.

The question is why do other timelines matter to FF7R? Was showcasing the alternate timeline with Zack just a onetime thing to show how the cast defeating the whispers has changed the destinies of the alternate timelines?

Reminder that you can't see the Whispers unless you touch someone else who can see the Whispers, they could've been guiding shit in the original game.

No, they only die in the "present", but the "present" is at a different point relative to each other.

How the fuck is the Lifestream supposed to work with alternate realities? Way to fucking undo one of the core concepts of the universe Nomura, you turboautist hack.

Showing Zack was just fanservice, same reason why they showed Cait Sith for like 5 seconds in that one cutscene.

He is in an alternate timeline. But it will converge to the same fate.
At the end of the final episode of the FFVII Remake series timelines will converge to the one true original timeline of 1997 FFVII.
Everything that happened and will happen in the Remake series will be compatible with the original story because of this.
Aerith will die so Holy can be cast (though her death may happen in a different way), Wedge and Biggs will die at some point too as a consequence of true fate. When Sephiroth is defeated and he returns to the lifestream, fates will converge and there will be at least two timelines (possibly three with Zack's survival timeline being the third) leading to the same ending. Sephiroth will then lose the ability to traverse timelines, and there will be one true story: the original story across all timelines, with the course of events slightly altered, but heading towards the same fate.
FFVII REMAKE is the same story retold.
FFVII's story stays true.
And the illusion of retcon will vanish.
Screencap this.

Oh no they turned Zack into a chink.

It seems they are completely gone now so all timelines from this point on will diverge from each other with nothing being able to stop it. Until now only "minor" changes were allowed by the timejannies, like the artist for Stamp making a different design, but from the death of the timejannies onward, that will change and any and all changes are possible. Also an excuse for having multiple different endings in the future, I guess?

The only reason he was spared his fate is so he can join the other universe and become a party member. You forget the devs have a huge boner for this guy. He's alive, but only in a parallel world

The Zack of the Cloud you played as through the whole game is still dead. The Zack that survived is from a different timeline and the Cloud that he takes along is also a different Cloud.

You now square likes to rhyme new narratives with their older ones. I'm dead serious.

I suppose. Maybe it was to showcase how big a change the whispers not monitoring the timeline can get and to set up for Aerith not dying in the next game.

Really lame.

this is most likely
another headcanon I have is Zack's universe is the afterlife

>I suppose. Maybe it was to showcase how big a change the whispers not monitoring the timeline can get and to set up for having routes where Aerith might not die in the next game.

Zack's storyline will be 50% of the gameplay jumping back and forth from him to cloud

>World really came to an end in FF7 end
>Humanity now dwell as spirits in the lifestream
>They are all looping their their past and memories
>If the memory diverges, planet corrects them
>Sephiroth wants to go back to reality
>Try to fuck up with Cloud, so they can join forces to fight against 'destiny'
>Planet want to keep humanity down
>Sephiroth want to will them to reality again

Thats the plot, screencap it
I'm an insider, legit

Alternate timeline

>Zack's storyline will be 50% of the gameplay jumping back and forth from him to cloud
Sounds familiar...

>Sephiroth tier in terms of power.
>jobs every time vs Sephiroth

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If he somehow crossed timelines, then we would also have two clouds, which is probably too stupid even for nomura standards.

he's alive longer at least

>tfw the villain won and realized it was all a mistake

Aerith 100% will survive if they are bringing Zack back.

>Sephiroth tier in terms of power
During the first flashback you're playing as Zack, and he dies like a bitch if anything touches him. Also later he dies like a bitch when the two Shinra grunts shot him.

Meanwhile Sephiroth can destroy the solar system as a joke.

How did Cloud get to be so powerful that he could stand toe to toe with Sephiroth by the end of FF7?

I'm not sure I could stand the brutal mogging Zack would give Cloud if he were present for the FF7 story.

He's dead in the game's timeline, unless it's explained that he gave Cloud the buster sword for some reason and went off to fuck Cissnei in the beach resort.

There is no time travel nigger, it's multiple spirits on the lifestream. There is a different temporal context from spirit to spirit, and the planet defenses are doing what they can to keep humanity on a state of perpetual dreaming. Sephiroth is trying to break this, and let the humans go back to physical reality.

Thats the plot. The planet is trying to protect itself from humanity after all it happened.