Wh does a Black guy have a White daughter?

Wh does a Black guy have a White daughter?

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>white daughter

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Never trust a woman to be faithful.

Adopted daughter. She was the biological daughter of his best friend Dyne and Eleanor.

he adopted her when his friends died and she was left parent-less

She looks Asian

wow those are some good graphics
is that a cutscene?

She's Asian.

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Play part two to maybe find out.

Let me guess. Never played the original.

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The real question is why is she a fucking toddler? She's supposed to be a little girl, but not that fucking little. They fucking leave her in charge of the bar for a while in the original, for crying out loud.

he left his best friend for dead and kidnapped her, only to return later to finish him off.

She's 4 you dumbass.
Her running the bar was just one of the quirky things the field models could get away with.

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Rumor has it a 6 years old Marlene from an alternate dimension will join your part in Part 4. That's what Aeris tells her to keep it a secret.

She was always that young. She was four in the original.

Why do white woman keep the children of the night?


Race mixing creates whiter kids in their world.

Have you ever been to a generic Chinese takeout? They have their kids start running register as soon as they can talk.

99.9% of the cutscenes are real-time in-engine, there are a few near the end that are pre-rendered though (you can tell because the lighting is really different and usually the characters have their default gear equipped)

white daughter? more like WIFE DAUGHTER

I guess that explains it.

Admit it Yas Forums, you cried.

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honestly all the barret-marlene scenes made me tear up, as well as the scene where aerith grabs marlene from the bar

I bet Barrett has plans for her.

So, what you're saying is that this is yet another soul/soulless situation?

By adopting.

barret carries this shit remake

Sure. It's one situation where the soul cannot be rekindled. A sort of dark soul

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Of course: he was saving money to send her to a good school. I don't think they mention that in this shitty reimagining.