Really Weird obscure games tread

Really Weird obscure games tread

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LSD isn't really obscure, at least anymore, is it?

even Eastern Mind is fairly maintstream nowadays

Does limbo of the lost count? I know it has notoriety for plagiarism but the stuff that is “original” is weird as fuck

I thoroughly enjoyed The Music Machine and I’ve never seen it talked about

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chibi-robo deserved so much better, man

Rememoried was a sorta-standard surreal exploration game but the puzzle/gimmick was that things changed if you stopped looking at them.

sure got a good deal on it when i was a kid

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It's free right now on itchio.

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>LOL lack of love

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I'll give Germs a serious try, someday.

It has been translated recently

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I just checked and it’s not?

Still looks interesting

Would that Penn & Teller game qualify? I mean Desert Bus has achieved meme status but there's other weird shit there too.

Does Gorogoa count as obscure?


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>hahah doood lsd dream simulator XD
It’s not really obscure at this point every knows about now somehow

Contact deserved more love
Whats this?


Needs The Void desu

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Maybe time over already? Was for a while. It is on eshop and steam too.

this shit felt like an unfinished indie horror game

Cement Mixer Simulator was such a trip, I love the idea of a game presenting itself as a shitty asset-flip and hiding 99% of its content from the player. Same with that soda drinking game.

Industrial Spy: Operation Espionage
Dreamcast squad-based spy-sim/rpg
You issue orders to your team of operatives (hacker, demolitions expert, inline skater, etc) on various spy and thieving missions.

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Anyone found that game where you're in a library and the game sells itself as a weird 3D edutainment game but it's actually scary?
An user was talking about it a few threads back