>fat shaming in jap games

What do you think

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lose weight you fat fuck

it's wrong, we owe it to fat americans and fat people all over the world to show intersectional fat characters that do more than eat gluttonously and be stupid.

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Good. Fat people are gross.



Hope you have a heart attack, you fat fuck.

i don't really care but the jokes got old really fast
yeah, i got it the first 4 times, why are the writers leaning on this so hard

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What did fat people ever did in the history of mankind?
Why should they deserve more rights than everyone else?

Based, fuck fatties

I never met a fat guy who never talked about food every 10 minutes

Fat people are disgusting

missing the point, regardless or not of the stereotype being true, the joke got really tiring by the fifth time they made it

Hahaha shut the fuck up, fatty.

>deliberately missing the point this hard
I'll kill ya

If you aren't ashamed of being fat, you should be. Fix your fucking life.

fat guy here I think it's hilarious

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I'd fuck her.

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OP here. Why the hell is everyone assuming I’m fat. It’s rude.


Fat shaming really shouldn't have to be a thing.

The inherent shame of being fat should drive fatties to either lose weight or kill themselves without the need for others to point it out.

Be fat if you want but don't be some moronic twit who believes it's healthy.

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Is Yas Forums tumblr now?

Yeah we fuck fat chicks here. What are you going to do about it bitch?

So this is the power of "thicc anime girls".