Coom Vein

>extremely sterile by the numbers shounen plot full of "muh nakama" speeches
>retrofitted to the Dark Souls formula of "you are an undead who fights 4 lords to get access to the guy who's sacrificing himself to keep the status quo"
>too much copypasta re: enemy and level assets
>no offhand weapons or shields, only 1 gear slot
>combat is just buff stacking and ability spam
>leveling is fully automatic and you just choose between premade builds (blood codes)
How the hell did this sell 1 million copies?

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By being kino.

Two words. Anime tiddies. Same reason you still come here.

Aww, did the wittle weeb game blow up on your feed one two many times? Poor baby.

This. The character creator is pretty good as well and you know how women/autists love to spend 6 hours making a character and then play for 25 minutes before getting "tired".

I love this game but this mentally ill child is possibly the worst incel and virgin bait I've ever seen. She is objectively designed to appeal to insecure people with no self-esteem, and if you like her, you seriously need to take a good hard look at yourself and, frankly, go the fuck outside and talk to actual women.

No woman is going to unconditionally love you for no reason. The only exception is actually mentally ill people like this character that end up in abusive relationships. Sitting around fantasizing about a big tiddy child-minded retard that is in love with and supports you unconditionally for no reason at all despite your complete and utter lack of a personality, financial stability, or any other redeeming factors is a surefire way to end up as one of those kissless, hugless Yas Forums losers, and, inevitably, a seething incel mad at the world because actual dating didn't conform to what harem waifu VN's told him it would. That or dating someone with downs syndrome.

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Because Io has big boobies and I want to cum inside her and get her pregnant. Thats why

The duality of mankind

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I dislike her because of the disgusting bug eyes and dagger chin but okay

Nikola is a good kid

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user, I don't think you realize how popular these kinds of characters are. Look at how insanely popular Futaba from Persona 5 and Bernadetta from Fire Emblem are.

Amazing, everything you said is bullshit. Just admit you hate anime.

'ate soulsborne, luv code vein
simple as

This is why weebs need to die, they have no standards.

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The combat didn't click for me, I expected souls but it plays more like an action game

Souls isn't an action game? lolwat

no self-respecting citizen of Yas Forums watches so called 'anime youtubers'
they're just too cancerous, even for a place that already has no standards like Yas Forums

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I will buy any game that features hot girls, be it anime or otherwise.
Believe it or not, I'm not a weeb and much less an incel, the reason I do this is because today's gaming Market is fucking gay, pushing for masculinization of female characters and literal faggot characters everywhere. It's Just becoming anti-male all around, and it's starting to affect gameplay with all the "inclusive/accecibility" bullshit.

That's why I support these games, because I believe the things that appeals to men in the lowest common denominators is the best way to fight the gay tendencies of the Market.

You know what I mean

Please don't post this channel ever again

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i hate how stiff are anime games
they dont have fluid base movements

If you want to waste your money that's fine. Buying a game solely for anime titties is retarded, at least make sure it's actually good.

I'm weird in regards to anime games
I actually hate the tropes and retardation featured in all of them, but I love the anime aesthetic
So that means I don't play crap like Neptunia and Senran Kagura, but occasionally something catches my eye like Code Vein (namely because of the customization) and I play it

She has great tits and is submissive. A man doesn't need any more reason to like a character.
Kill yourself you faggot

Do you browse the red pill? Lmao what a schizo.

Gaming right now is the best it has ever been. You can find anything for anyone, the industry is massive.

>each one has 100,000+ views
Do people really have such low standards?

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Stop being retarded, you just like anime. You can like anime without being an autistic weeb. It's like any other medium of entertainment, most of it is trash but there's some occasionally truly good work.

Look at how many views vtubers get (the answer is obviously yes)

Children and teenagers aren't human

Nah, I don't watch anime anymore (cuz I got tired of EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH and the awful tropes) besides reruns of Black Lagoon and GITS
But I do collect tons of anime pics

vtubers are literally anime girls. It's the culmination of years wanting to actually interact with one. I just understand it I don't watch them.

Cope. I bought three copies of this game, one for me and the others as gifts to friends.
Spporting products that have the potential of keeping the status quo of gaming as something that specifically appeals to men is no waste of Money.

wtf i hate real women now?

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>How the hell did this sell 1 million copies?
two words:

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SkacikPL is based

>playable mature Mia mod
>She's short as fuck


Game was fun though

blame anno for creating rei

that eeeeeehhh
the fucking beta MC
stupid characters without deep

anime post 2010 its fucking awful (maybe not all, but most of it)

Low test

I have a love hate relationship with this game. I wish it were better because some aspects of it I fucking love. Others make it absolutely unplayable.

>Character creation
Top notch.
Quite fine here too.
Runs 4k60fps locked on a 1080 Ti. Noice.
I found a few favorites so, check.
>Build Variety
>Enemy Variety
>Level Design
Worst I've seen in a soul-like yet
What the fuck are these people smoking? Terrible.

I'd say it's worth $20. I haven't been able to bring myself to replay it which I almost always do with rpgs that offer an NG+ mode.

Stale pasta.

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Pretty impressive they can hack something like this together.

>stop liking what i dont like

Me dating a fellow mentally ill female. Fuck off roastie, I know it's hard to cope with not living up to a 2d character but you'll live

It's not like anime before 2010 was particularly better, they just usually had better budgets. Nowadays shit like that cgi zoo anime is made on a shoe string budget since standards are just that low.

I liked it.
The desert level made me quite mad.
The castle was pretty good tho even if it was kinda long.

Coomers will spend obscene amounts of money of literal garbage because there's tits in it. Hence why nip gaming is getting worse and worse.

Pretty fun game, better than Nioh worse than Nioh 2. Hoping for Code Vein 2.

>I'd say it's worth $20
Yeah for that price it's an alright game but I paid $60 and feel scammed

>defending that autism
Off yourself.

You are not wrong, but the space for fanservice is diminishing by the day.
Are you going to deny that the Market is changing in regards to the portrayal of characters and the things that are supposed to be appealing about them, especially female characters and fanservice?

If you support these that's your problem, but I hate it.

This planet needs a fucking exterminatus

Have you considered not being a faggot?

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Same, that's where a lot of my hatred for the game comes from. Didn't feel like $60 of product if I only play it for 30-40 hours. I do support the genre though and hope they improve the formula which I have some hopes that they will. If you've played the god eater games, this is still a really good improvement from what we are used to seeing from this team. If they can just break a few of those bad habits...

Do you think Nioh 2 will come to PC?
I was thinking of buying the first one but you can't create a custom character in that one right?


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It's funny because he created Rei specifically to show how pathetic otakus are. Like, you want a mindless sex doll, there you go.

And she went on to become one of the most popular anime girls ever.

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Bad bait. There's a reason all the best games of all time come from 15+ years ago

KT has been releasing everything on PC lately so I'm pretty sure it will come to PC sooner or later and no, you can't make a custom character in Nioh 1 but there are skins you can unlock

>complaining about incels in an anime game full of fanservice
is this pasta?

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You can dislike something without being an edgelord about it.

It goes to show that sex sells in Japan, but the west that haven't adopted that mindset really fucking hate it.

Anime in the West was a mistake. I would gladly not be into anime if it meant that people like this didn't have the opportunity to muddy the waters.

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Shy and submissive is boring.

Why do you care about them?

It's not, but you're free to be wrong if you want to be.

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lol good lord what a faggot

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I don't like when retarded people like what I like. It's horrible.

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Then he tried to do the same thing again with Mememe! And then was shocked that people made porn of that as well. Poor Anno just can't beat the cock.

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