Fuck this fucking dude!!!

Fuck this fucking dude!!!

Attached: 62179FF5-F1D6-4CE5-9639-A1D3BEB69CA6.jpg (1992x2160, 1.13M)

Why tho ?


Attached: gundyr.jpg (1200x1471, 202.56K)

One of the sickest bosses in the game

this dude has the best second phase music in the base game but then also has the worst second phase out of any base too. truly strange

I honestly have no idea why they put him at the beginning. If you haven't played a souls game before he's got to be a nightmare.

Wasn't it according to steam achievements that only 80% of people who played the game passed him and other 20% got filtered by fucking tutorial boss?

looking at cut content leaks and datamined shit points to him absolutely not being there, they put him there last minute and made the second phase as a quick compromise as evident of how basic it is, thus why champion gundyr exists.

I've never lost to him, why do people think he's challenging? Despite the second half looking tough, he's a cakewalk compared to the Asylum Demon.

92% of people lit the bonfire before him lol, a good chunk of people who played the game didnt get past the first bonfire.

Funny how that goes, easily a top 3 boss in vanilla DS3

>not even THE CHAMP

Attached: 1558833630379.png (762x800, 173.69K)

he's a big guy

>hey guys I'm a contrarian
just fuck off dude

I cosplayed him in arena and invasions. With great success.


Attached: 1528321151075.gif (400x500, 1.04M)

He's a lot more troublesome if you don't get all up in his shit and burn him down quickly, which is just about the complete opposite way people new to the series try to deal with bosses.

Try harder next time. 1.3/ 10

It's a fair assumption.

Are you guys fucking serious?

While yeah, he wasn't there originally, but in Oceiros's room (him originally being the old king plus that armor is an obvious DeS Burger King reference), I think changing it so he's the first boss is pretty smart. Gets everyone up to speed.

one of the ezist bosses in the game

It's just retarded normalfags that don't play video games.


Attached: C_Gundyr.png (1920x1080, 2.62M)

that last post made the bait upgrade from 0 to a 3/5, well done

I thought the same thing. He's not a great pick for a first boss. Not a huge issue but I remember thinking his second phase was punishing to anyone who chooses to run away and observe.


Attached: The Champ.png (1284x697, 260.76K)

Is 3 the best Dark Souls game?

Reply to the correct post next time buddy

Why do you insist on making yourself look bad?

yeah my bad. I remember those ethereal swords on the ground in the promo art so it makes sense that he was originally in the dragon boss room.


my skill has nothing to do with it. It's your claim that asylum demon is harder than gundyr that's so laughable.


>made the second phase as a quick compromise
I'd wager the second phase was part of the original take, considering the Corrupted King's Garden, and how the Pus of Man plot goes nowhere in the final game.

Nah, 1 leaves more of an impact, it's still a pretty great game.

pretty much

The best and only (good) Dark Souls is the first one.

do you think it was like a champion gundyr battle then all of a sudden he turns into corrupted gundyr as you kill him or something?