What’s his end game?

seriously what purpose did he serve

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He's fucking based

imagine spending development money on this waste of "expanded" content

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Expected to see him one last time during the escape from the city

1. Livened up the motorcycle minigame.
2. Putting a face to the SOLDIER operatives which are supposed to be superhuman elites that we literally never get to see regular members of.

he's a cool guy who would have fit in the original

Nomura slapping his tiny rice balls against your dumb fucking face for buying this tripe

More enjoyable than Sephiroth or the Turks.

To remind you that SOLDIERs are superhumans that go beyond normal human comprehension and even a low-class SOLDIER can be a threat to a group of mostly normal humans.

Agreed. At the very least we should have gotten one more Bike Chase in general.

Would have been cool to have actually had a scene with Kunsel instead of just the one guy who recognized Cloud saying he was going to get him.

>seriously what purpose did he serve

haha zoom zoom go vroom vroom

He wants to return the FF cast back to Kingdom Hearts universe!

Attached: ACS Roche.png (860x1345, 677.48K)

Cloud, Zack, Sephiroth? These aren’t a face for SOLDIER?

Those aren't exactly regular members of SOLDIER. You got Zack, Cloud, Sephiroth, Angeal, Genesis but no just random regular SOLDIERS.

I'd argue their importance is more tied to the story than to the world building, which I think is what that user was getting at. SOLDIER is kind of just a faceless very unknown aspect of Shinra. We got a little bit of insight on it in Crisis Core, but it wasn't much. Just a couple of characters who went rogue and a guy in charge who again was more relevant to just the lot of the game and not really the world building.

>original minigame
>get to try and protect your comrades from tons of enemies in a fun minigame where hitting enemies can be a challenge sometimes and one can even cause a cascading effect on other enemies being taken out
>new minigame
>boring easy "boss" fight
No fucking thanks...

>no just random regular SOLDIERS
Except Zack.

Zack is a protagonist and therefor has plot armor. Plus its stated in CC if I'm remembering correctly that SOLDIER 1C are kind of a big deal. Like you have to be a really fucking impressive badass to be First Class.

Cloud was literally not a SOLDIER.

adding more cringe to the 11/10 game.

>SOLDIER 1C are kind of a big deal
Which is why they are the only ones you would be interested in seeing. You have to be first class in order to not wear the typical uniform, so you've seen plenty of soldiers. What you WANT to see is more first class soldiers, which we've already seen plenty.

He's first class in abilities but dead last in ranking because of his behaviors. A common trope in anime. He will definitely return in part 2.

Attached: 1586107167685.webm (1920x1080, 2.92M)

anime was a mistake. It's okay to go over the top but you can't flip flop between this and "grounded". Fucking stupid gooks

>anime was a mistake
>talks about a vidya problem and not an anime problem

>it's not literally anime
wow user youre such a fucking genius

one of the only good new additions

>he thinks this is related to anime in any way even in a loose "this ain't actually anime" way
Fucking tard...

That looks stupid.

he reminds me of when I was a kid and I had toy cars and I would drive them on the walls and make them do flips and hit other cars and say your dead.

I really enjoyed his sequences and had the desire to laugh during some of them, but when you don't laugh things tend to be funnier.
you can see he's some sort of possessed adrenaline junkie but you have to look at things as cloud, cloud understands him to some degree and doesn't judge him, it's very operator kino, he's almost an aspect of clouds subconscious that manifested through him while he was on the bike, ff7re is extremely kino

His sequence was great, especially compared to all the crap they threw at you at the end of the game on the bike. What a mess. I really enjoyed the game, but the ending was such a slog.

it's all probably just inspired by star wars

what the fuck is this shit
same degeneration ruined Redline

>he thinks Japanese games have no relation to anime
555 come on now

He'll join the party next part

>when I was a kid
seems like you still are one

>muh everything is animu related cause muh japs
Fuck off already. You are a retard and that is all there is to it.

he's like sweet jp from redline

imagine being this autistic.


He's MoM.

I love the part where he rears the bike up on the back wheel like its a horse, he treats it like a mount and not a bike thats why he's based

What he's talking about are people like Kunsel, who still never got a combat appearance and just existed as an email buddy and tutorial NPC. All the characters we see of SOLDIER are First Class tier or become First Class, and run around doing superhuman shit. In fact firsts don't even have to wear the uniform, they're the baddest of the badasses. But even third class SOLDIER have a large position of authority over the normal troopers, yet all they ever show up as are generic mooks that hit you with materia magic. The dead/traitor/fucked up crew of Firsts and Cloud don't really represent the rest of soldier. Sephiroth especially, as the series treated him as something beyond even First.

this looks based.

Attached: this partys gettin cuhrazy.gif (271x480, 3.07M)

Minigames were too mainstream. Better add a epic boss fight instead.

Roche is just Genesis in disguise. Fucker keeps speaking like he's some kind of poet.

Jobber only exists to reinforce the notion that Cloud is 1st class

Wasting dev teams time and recources