Play GW2 on release

>Play GW2 on release
>Enjoy my Weapon Summoner Guardian
>Have a years break
>Come back to see Weapon summons removed

>Enjoy playing a trapper Thief
>Have a years break
>Come back to see traps removed

Why does Anet keep removing fun shit? it wasn't even OP.

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What happen to her?


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>traps removed
This is my fantasy too.

Would you?

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I would like Belle Delphine to step on my nuts

would hate-fuck so hard

GW2 as an entire concept is just ANet removing the fun shit from GW1. I haven't touched GW2 in a few years but I'm not surprised to hear they're dumbing it down even more.
she retired as a comfy multimillionaire


>people still play GW2
I legit thought that game was dead

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>ugly spic with 40 pounds of makeup


she's british.

How? She was only famous for like 2 years at most.

Nobody really knows how much she made, but a LOT of people supported her patreon and bought her bathwater. I'm not sure if there was anything she made money off of other than those things, but that alone could net you enough for a good while.

she was making like $50k a month just on patreon

my female friend who is a pretty average girl set up an onlyfans account at the beginning of the year and barely advertised it and shes made $5000 so far. belle delphine has millions of social media followers and relentlessly whored herself out on every corner of the internet. she made 6 figures per month

Do you have any idea the kind of money these idiots throw at girls like this?

Who the fuck wouldn't? She's the best looking cosplayer on the entire internet.

made millions, inspired an entire generation of aspiring e-whores to wear colorful wigs and make retarded faces on tiktok, made every single amateur pornstar on pornhub seethe like no one before, sparked one last giant marketing buzz with her bath water, then got out of the game before she even turned 20 while she was still on top
she's a true genius of the digital age


Maybe try not playing garbage games like guild wars. Any MMO with instancing is trash. The point of a MMORPG is an interconnected world, which is completely ruined by allowing people to spawn their own private loot and xp farming dimensions in said world.

Stop speaking like a nigger.

GW2 doesn't have instances and its proof that instances are good

>women can do shit like this and be set for life
>that OK Boomer girl is going to be a multi-millionaire because of horny men

Life is unfair

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She's always been an Egirl

>Any MMO with instancing is trash
how the fuck do people kill bosses or get rare loot if nothing is instanced

And she made millions during those 2 years. She still has over a thousand patrons that are still funding her during her MIA status to this day. She makes 7,500 a month if just 300 of her 1k patrons are donating the max tier.

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>how the fuck do people kill bosses or get rare loot if nothing is instanced
By camping for 15 hours straight until the boss respawns and then hoping to god your group got the con tag on it.

Kill it before everyone else, it's called competition. With no instances, item drops become rare, coveted, and special. With instances, everybody has the ultimate endgame sword of god rape. Pic semi-related.

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no cap

Reminder that even with how easy it is, you'd still be an ugly and failure of a girl.

Seriously though, how did this extremely mediocre girl become so popular? Like literally the only thing I can think of is the 10lbs of makeup and dyed hair but any teen can do that.

most of the insanely rare shit in both gw1 and gw2 isnt from item drops so this point is moot

Jailbait good at make up and outfits so she sold herself as a real life anime girl.

> With no instances, item drops become rare, coveted, and special

and farmed, by a guild on a timer for the sole purpose of kill and loot stealing to resell for profit. If you're strong enough to one shot the boss then they will be able to corner the market, and if it requires multiple people then they will work together preventing any new players from getting the items. There will be tons of them on the market at a high price which will be coveted but no longer special or rare, just expensive

Right place at the right time, that ahegao shit is the first time I saw her.

Maybe your guild should work together to beat the other guild.
>strong enough to one shot the boss
sounds like a shit game if your "raid boss" can die in one hit.
>tons of them on the market
sellable raid drops is also retarded shit introduced by WoW, and there shouldn't be "tons of them" if your raid boss only spawns once a week, and only has a 1% chance to drop that item you want. You haven't proven how instancing is good, all you've done is admit you play poorly designed MMO's.

>only autist poopsock players should get the best everything