Why was it more fun than the new one?

why was it more fun than the new one?

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QOL was unmatched
tools didn't break
more stuff available on-cartridge
bunny day cringe levels weren't cranked up to 1000%

i still like NH though. i'd like it even more if the next update removes all bunny day related garbage from the game

More content

music was way better, seriously every single fucking song was better than its NH equivalent, sometimes vastly. NH has the weakest soundtrack in the series, only 2am is remotely good.

In modern gaming terms, It was like a game + the first two season passes worth of content.

I still like NH, and really, after a year I bet NH will blow NL out of the water, but NL was way more finished.

I feel like WW was the best AC all things considered.

you don't like NH 5pm?

3am is peak garbage though, holy shit. i expect to see it in bad BGM threads all the time in the future

I kind of fucking hated Re-tail and I'm glad it is gone. Brewster's coffee shop was also overrated.

Nothing will beat the 2 AM on the Gamecube

>you don't like NH 5pm?
it's decent but feels a little out of place, half the reason it's caught on seems to be people memeing about it sounding porn-ish

NL was fucking stacked with heavy-hitters. 9am, 11am, 5pm, and the holy trinity of 7pm 11pm and 1am. And this is just the hourly music.

I think it sounds fine.
3AM is the "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU STILL UP" theme, and always has been.

The island minigames were pretty based.

Meanwhile I'm still not entirely sure what you're supposed to *do* when visiting a friend in New Horizons.s

>3AM is the "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU STILL UP" theme, and always has been.
not really

2am was that in the original

Attached: 1381611861904.jpg (450x420, 37.88K)

showing this thread to my grandparents would have them wtf


Lets not forget it takes at minimum of one week of playing to actually get to hear the hourly music in NH

>it takes 14-20 hours for ACNH to open up
That's FFXIII-tier awful.

yet one will be critically acclaimed and the other is rightfully shat upon

Ehhhhhhhh h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .

GameCube animal crossing is better.

This series games don't change too much between entries, so if you already played a lot the previous ones it loses charm. I enjoyed a lot the editions on GC and DS, but New Leaf was already really boring to me. I'm not interested at all in NH now.

>This series games don't change too much between entries


You can only enjoy one game of this series

>I still like NH, and really, after a year I bet NH will blow NL out of the water, but NL was way more finished.
this tbqh, because of the monthly updates. new horizons is the worst ac game right now

Most differences are just aestethics. If you care a lot about customization, that's good. But the experience is very similar between games. I don't know about NH because I didn't played it, but I don't think I would enjoy it.

it wasnt
NL is the worst after CF

GC is the only one better than NH right now

the NH 3am theme is pretty hilarious, but I don't want to hear it for an hour

How is a coffee shop overrated

>takes up tons of space
>all it does is lets you work there for minimal pay and let you walk around with a starbucks cup and sipping coffee animation that doesn't do anything

Why did you hate Re-tail? It gave good ass prices while you're selling shit

hipster trash

what's your point?

Never have I read SUCH an oxymoron.

Reading this post made me wtf