How are those programming lessons coming along, Yas Forums?

How are those programming lessons coming along, Yas Forums?

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>go for a CS major in college
>realize I fucking hate CS
Guess I ruined my life, huh

should've gone for EE or SE user

It's not too late to change courses. Do you know how many people change courses? Not everybody makes a bullseye

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Is there a more cucked and fucked career than becoming a game dev? Imagine going to college for over 4 years, being over 100k in debt after it all and your only options are to work for ubisoft, or fucking activision.

You'd be better off becoming a male prostitute during those 4 years than landing one at a big corporate piece of shit company that will deny you a bonus you were promised after all the crunch.

who the fuck goes to college for 4 years
where the fuck does college cost 100k

A-user, I'm done with college

do you at least have a nice job?

>and your only options are to work for ubisoft, or fucking activision.

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>Where the fuck does college cost 100k
>Who goes to college for 4 years

You haven't been to Canada. Before the fucking CCP Virus, the programs and courses available to the general population were fucking pitfall traps of debt and specially programming courses or intellectual properly related "careers".

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teachers have it pretty bad these days
can't imagine being in a room full of zoomers for 8 hours

Some courses and programs are engineered to favor specific future employment for students. I went to on such school that specified that a larger portion of our debt would be paid for if we did good and passed several interviews for those cocksucking companies.

My only regret is that I didn't quit sooner. It's rough knowing what you really want when you're in your early 20s for some people. It's not clear what you will enjoy in life, but it sure as shit isn't slaving away for some company that doesn't give a fuck about you.

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where in canada does this happen
my college was 2k
my uni was 3k
but i'm in quebec

>string comparisons

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It's like night and day.

Like Piss and Liquid Shit.

Of the two I'd say Toronto is the more fucked and shit city. Quebec is a fucking meme by itself too though.

Seriously though Canada is just a fucking joke at this point. So many shitskins and boomers in Toronto it's beyond saving at this point.

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There's nothing wrong with this. Mission accomplished.

wtf nigger? going to cegep for a 2 or 3 year course is literally like 500 bucks all said and done. you can go to McGill for only 4k a year iirc

get bombed paki

burger here, where do you lads recommend looking for a job over there?

programming is for fags lol

>toronto is representative of canada
t. TRANAH white trash

>being over 100k in debt after it all and your only options are to work for ubisoft, or fucking activision.
you forgot going into further debt to be an indie dev churning out derivative pixelshit trash made in Unity

fags and GODS

Imagine paying for free information.

That's not even the worst part. All this faggot has to do is set SOME kinda lookup structure, an enum, a table, anything and he can reduce all this shit down from 100 lines to 1.

found the communist

Getting shit for free because you're smarter than other people is peak capitalism user.

>this code
and I thought I was a sloppy coder

I have a cool game idea but don't want to have to go through the hell that is programming. Guess I'll just pitch it to some people, and maybe it'll catch on.

How many devs did YandereDev fire for trying to fix his code?

Just the one coder. The amount of artists and VA's he's fucked off are in the dozens though

at least you didn't go for an english degree then go baack for CS

I need to finally start, but i'm afraid i'm too dumb, i never was good at math.

any help for an user who is autistic enough to still want to make a vidya?

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my autism is blocking my apparent 'above average intelligence' so i just keep fucking about or masturbating

All the game dev majors at my college (Kennesaw State University) get cucked by the local game companies to do bitch work while they hire actual comp sci people to write their games. It's pretty fucking funny because they are so cocky when you warn them that their major is shit.

>any help for an user who is autistic enough to still want to make a vidya?
Don't take Yas Forums advice.

>i never was good at math.
Most programming has very little to do with math and the math you have to use is typically centered around basic algebra, discrete boolean logic, or complicated algorithms that math majors already figured out for you and you just need to use some library to get the results.

computers are brainlets user, they do everything you tell them to
finding the correct order of steps is the "hardest" part of programming

>learned a lot of c and python through my physics degree
>Don't really understand software development, therefore scared of getting a software engineering job
>It's all that's hiring
What do

learn to teach rocks how to think. :)

I thought the main argument for math was not that it is needed for programming, but that people who are too stupid to learn the former will have a much harder time learning the latter.

this, same for /vg/

i posted pic related in vg/agdg/ and they unironically said it looked fine, and the best the could come up with otherwise was a giant hard-coded enum. most posters said it should be replaced with a similarly long switch statement

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go for it, but imo you should go for webdev, jobs are easy and pay well, most companies just want someone who's willing to learn, if they don't already, and isn't a dick

that's more a computer/software engineering thing

to just be a code monkey banging out pixelshit platformers you barely need math. you should understand basic newtonian physics for gameplay logic but for the most part you can get by without even knowing calculus

even outside of vidya, you don't need to understand business logic to implement it. e.g. writing tax software doesn't require you be a tax lawyer

I didn't go to college, literally a high school drop out with a GED and I work for a software company as a data engineer making 65k. It's not a shit ton but I'm in the SE where cost of living is pretty low and I have more money than I know what to do with

are you supposed to use an array and whichstring as the index?


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I could barely make it through Calc 2 and I am a professional software developer. Math isnt really hard. It's just a bunch of muscle memory that needs to be built up. My ordinary diff. eq. teacher pointed out that if he were to give his exams to other professors in his department, they'd likely do poorly without a little studying at least.

>most companies just want someone who's willing to learn
yeah, at their own expense, BEFORE applying.

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The fuck is webdev
Like making webpages? Is that JavaScript mostly?
I like solving hard problems and doing lots of math. I was thinking of doing data science, we talked about it in my statistical physics class. Is it a meme?

dictionary lookup. write your text as key:value pairs in a separate file. this both makes localization and editing easier and makes it faster since lookup is a constant operation time compared to doing thousands of if-thens which is at least linear