I miss them, bros... :(

I miss them, bros... :(

Attached: dingdongandjulian.png (829x496, 724.98K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Kisama... there's nothing but cringe here... we're leaving...

Attached: 1564110347092.jpg (1080x1080, 140.02K)

>gets PTSD from doing let's plays

Attached: 1586986399424.png (512x512, 467.55K)



Only underageb& fags cared about this shit and you can’t prove me wrong

>Goes mentally insane because of a lets player

nah, you're just wrong

Chris Zach Tomar is the best we've had

>it's another e-celeb zoomer circlejerk thread
I mean this sincerely, literally fucking off yourselves faggots

Reminder that this is the man that makes these threads. Look at him and laugh.

Attached: op.jpg (3264x2448, 481.26K)

hola pedro

Julian was never funny, but I do miss DD. Julian's humour reminds me of Mick.

zach is funny, none of his other cohorts are. Especially Lyle

Julian was a great foil and a cutie

>Julian's humour reminds me of Mick.

Inb4 somebody post the same fucking "MUH E-CELEB BAD GET OFF MUH Yas Forums" image again

Chris and Zach are funny but they need to be grounded by someone like Tomar, like how the best sleepycast episodes had all the autistic members (Cory, Niall, Chris, Zach) plus Jeff

Why is he obsessed? Is he some sort of jealous homosexual degenerate and that's why he's specifically obsessed with dingdong?

DingDong made fun of him in a stream, once

OP here, I just google image searched "dingdong and julian" and that's the image that came up, I'm not the same user who has been apparently spamming this topic. believe or don't

I refuse to believe that's all there is too it. He's been doing this for YEARS for it to be just that.

julian wasn't particularly funny but chris' jokes bounced well off of him and he was likable and seemed earnest


why does OP spam this image?

Looks like a normal Yas Forums poster to me.

>niall that high
>cory that low

Niall is based but he ain't Cory-tier based.

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what's wrong with mick

He's not a normal person

that shirt is based

I mean he does say he is a psycho.

He might not have been directly funny but he made other people funnier, same with tomar

hola pedro

he's just not funny


Just...What leads to a person becoming like this. How do people with this severity of mental illness just...walk freely, why hasn't anybody done something?

Attached: reaper.png (297x296, 58.28K)

chinese upbringing forces mick to over explain

will you faggots stop circlejerking? I'm clearly not this person you're talking about