Nioh 2

>I accidentaly the yasakani magatama

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Woah, last thread lasted more than 24 hours, I wish it were always like this

How was it compared to the first game? I'm waiting for the PC release.

Based accidentaly the poster

I shall post it eearly - Me and my stalwart assistant Mag managed to kill Onryoki and save Hanzo using only the Scampush. It took 14 minutes, dealing roughly 100 damage per hit.

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It's better in every way
And I hope they do a pc release to play it with better graphics, the ones it has right now are fine, but I want more
also if by some chance they decide to pull off some sorcery and release it on switch, I would buy it there too, this game on the bed after coming back from work seems comfy

Based crazy cat ladies

Well, it's Yas Forums, the threads would mainly just last long due to being drawn out and having timely posts. I don't really know if it matters having a single thread last long compared to having multiple threads in a row. Only other thing I can say is /vg/ is there too.
A direct improvement in almost every way and generally a huge chunk more of everything that was excellent about the first game, while making improvements to many (but not all) of the main issues of the first.

What form of autism is this
And why is that guy joining to do scampuss experiments

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Fuck these pieces of shit, there is no fucking worse enemy to fight while shifted. They leave fire everywhere and don't get staggered for shit, and for some reason fire burns through your Yokai Shift bar insanely quickly, but you can only put it out by dodging which takes out your Yokai Shift bar even more, fucking hell

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Sacrifices must be made in the name of SCIENCE. Did you know that firebomb-throwing Dwellers spawn in if that fight takes too long? Well ya do now. Did you know that only one scampuss is scripted to stay, whilst the other two can run out of time and vanish? Well ya do now.

You could just use Levitation, then do the usual wait till they stop then slap their ass in the face, or use your overwhelming Ki damage to knock them over instead.

>I accidentally the Yasakani Magatama

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Can revenants drop a yasakani?

>play random encounter
>I see a yasakani magatama drop
>PS+ runs out and boots me out before I can get it

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Don't think they can, no.

All this yasakani posting made me want to see this movie
Which one is it?

Why the fuck does rolling away sometimes make your character roll around in a donut and end up right where he started? Just roll the fuck away nigger, you're not a scampus

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>see a yasakani magatama drop
>get so excited I stand up
>trip over PS4 cord and it unplugs it from the socket and shuts off

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Got around trying a Rifle build finally.
Not optimized fully yet but I got 61% unlimited ammo and I completed pretty much an entire Region without running out of ammo thanks to Frugality and Bazaar refills. So far my thoughts:
>good area clear due to the fact that you can snipe like 70-80% of the enemies in an area without them even seeing you
>armor debuff is nice but doesn't last long, have to make use of it immediately by either attacking, firing more shots or using a yokai skill
>damage without weakpoint modifier or armor debuff is kinda so-so, compares to a single axe attack in high stance
>Auto Aim is kinda fucky and doesn't seem to always work
>Yagaterasu Set makes you very fucking squishy
So far I am liking it but it doesn't feel any stronger than Axe Nigga memes at all aside from cheesy area clear.

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>It's better in every way
Its the same fucking game but with Yokai form and abilities. Its fien that it is. Means I can go back to Nioh 1 and not feel like feel like Im missing something.

Imagine a 100% unlimited ammo

You guys are retarded holy shit. It's a good item, but it's not a fucking 1% drop. Fuck sake I have 3.

You don't need it, really.
You pretty much don't run out of ammo, even in bossfights.
I just wish it dealt more damage, that's more of an issue.

These things are trivial. Are you still new to the game?

You can't understand the pain of accidentaly the yasakani

It doesn't have stupid wall bouncing on attacks and also not this fucker. It's a direct upgrade through and through

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Sh-shut up!

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Nor is it that great of an item. I'd rather have an accessery that ups elixir efficacy.

>wanna make a new build
>realize I gotta do retarded rev farming just to kill the same 10 demons over and over
>motivation is gone before I even start

Dunno how you guys stretch the life in this game, once you finish even NG that's about 70% of shit done and from there is just dancing around the carrot that is dlc.

I don't know man, you just sound bad at the game considering Nioh 2 is significantly easier than the first.

What else is there for humiliation?
>umi-bozu/toxic slime core - spitting at the enemy
>tesso core - brapping at the enemy
>throwing dung balls

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Good game.

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This. -1 on a set is nice, but there are plenty of loopholes around that.