All Games Being Delayed this year

Sources from Jason from Kotaku says all games are being delayed this year

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>Sources from Jason from Kotaku
Stopped reading there

Schrier sucks, but his game news is generally accurate.

Good. More time for sex

read the last sentence

that's fine. Everything i wanted this year comes out this month, the last being Trials of Mana in 2 weeks. I got everything i need.

oh no where will I get my left wing white genocide poz propaganda fix now

>Not a single person gets it
Holy fuck Yas Forums is retarded.

What video games were even due out this year? I can't even remember the last time a video game came out.

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Guess I'm taking a break from this board until cp2077 comes out (September) or otherwise. Maybe next year then. This board is getting nastier and nastier by the day.


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user i have a million dollar check with your name on it! are you still there?!

modern games are all sjw shit anyway

>Just finishing up one final story before they shut off my Kotaku account
good riddance

why yes it is i, user, here for my check

doubt it

Dont larp as me asshole!
I meant what I said!

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kill yourself

>it was jason
alright thats kinda funny

Hello lolicon fantasies department?

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Who’s this?

Kill yourself incel.

>Corona-chan stopped PSO2 from coming to the US

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yandex says Putri Cinta.

are they firing the jew?

That's not very nice, even retards have more thought process than your average Yas Forums poster.

he quit himself

For those who don't know, it's a fake article. Do not take this seriously, OP is a gullible idiot

Thanks, user.

Le dae kotaku man le real journo? Xdxdxd

Fuck off nigger

Nice, so games will come out actually finished.

So no Nioh 2 PC port this year. Fucking nice.

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Doom Eternal, Animal Crossing new horizon, Xcom chimera squad, Receiver 2, Half Life Alyx, Resident evil 3, lair of the clockwork god, Final Fantasy 7 remake, Mount and Blade bannerlord 2, Black mesa, Ori and the Will of the Wisps, zombie army 4, Kentucky Route zero (act 5), Darksiders genesis, Mechwarrior 5.

Do you even play videogames?

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might end up being real though because of the coronavirus