Jessie in FF7

>Jessie in FF7
>Non character who develops a crush

>Jessie in Remake
>Entire character is wanting to stradle Cloud's dick

Look, I'm not saying there was much of a character to ruin here, but it comes off as very heavy handed.

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You're seriously complaining about a NPC character getting more fleshed out and given more character? Really? That's your complaint? No wonder why you're a virgin.

I'm complaining that her character sucks

you're a smoothbrain, wedge literally told you to watch out because for her life's a stage and loves the play

>a NPC character getting more fleshed out
she just wants to get more flesh out, if you know what I mean :^)


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It's insane how every single major female character wants to fuck Cloud. Is that just what life is like for attractive people?

that's hot

Name 1 grill in that gaem who didn't want Cloud's nuts

It is indeed

She based

Nips genuinely cant into nuance or subtly. 99% of anime is hamfisted and over the top.

She always wanted clouds dick though

flanderized within 4 chapters

yeah because thots are so complicated and interesting


I don't understand why they didn't go for her original character.
In OG, she's incredibly shy, blushes constantly and is very nerdy/techsavy.
Who the hell looks at a character like that and says to himself:
>yeah, this shy nerdy girl needs to become a massive thot literally asking Cloud to come to her room and fuck her
It's like Nintendo remaking SM64 and deciding to turn Lakitu into a love interest.
Why not create a new character instead of shitting on an old one? It really feels hamfisted.

>Nips genuinely cant into nuance or subtly.
But the original was made by nips and it still was 1000x more subtle/emtionally intelligent than this turd?

Teacher in Leaf house. Scarlett, Betty.

because they needed a new love interest to kill off for shock value since aerith is going to live and too many people care about tifa.
her death screams "forced" as hell too, long and drawn out with enough time to give out one last lame quip, on top of it just not making any sense since other characters have already lived past their expiration dates. she's purely forced drama for no other reason than wanting and failing to emulate the original aeris death but being too big of pansies to substitute tifa

What? You rather have her just fall to her abyss and never mentioned again?

i'd rather a character not be rewritten purely to copy another, still existent character's plot relevance

I assume you forgot to play the actual game then.

>Steals Clouds first kiss
>He proceeds to spill his spaghetti
Jessie is such a Chad

She's going to be a party member in the sequel once the plot goes farther off the rails.

Post the Mimonel pic.

You have to make it obvious or nerds won't get it.

they start resurrecting people is when this thing is so off the rails that it switches over to another track, the track being fucking kingdom hearts

i wouldnt know tho

She's also an actress who struggled for years to make it big, then had her moment ruined by the tragedy of her father falling ill because of Mako poisoning he got by collapsing from being overworked in a reactor, leading Jessie to learn more about Mako and develop a theory about her dad's condition, so she joins Avalanche to save her dad's soul from becoming electricity.

But yeah, her wanting Cloud is all they've got for her. Sure.

nomura already canonised the cancelled versus xiii into kingdom hearts, you think he wont do the same for ffvii?

knowing that would have required people around here to have played the game user

Herpa derp femail tease me musd beh eh thot. Womin musd beh puureh lik mah waifus.

Plus Wedge before you meet her tells you its all a play because she is an actress. She has it for Cloud but plays it up a big degree for the show.

its a gay back story

Cram it, roastie

yeah, I would know

Holy shit, how can you guys even defend something like that? Do you realize that they told us that they HAD to split the game in parts because they couldn't remake the entire game? And then we find out that they spent 5 years on just Midgar to come up with literally forced walking segments inside a random thot's home? Like, who the fuck even thinks that that's a backstory worth having in a game. It literally feels like a fanfic penned by a fangirl who wanted to self-insert into the lore.