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We doing youtube comments nowm

>dev makes a joke
>autists take him seriously

every time


do speedrunners really

you can't make the joke of the situation when you're literally the ass of it

Yanderedev doesn't make jokes.
He's a bitter little faggot who seethes hard from the tiniest bit of criticism.
It would legitimately surprise me if he actually meant it as a joke.

u are like baby. watch this


You mean this 4?

guys he's using the MEME ARROWS

He can't even greentext right

You're a bunch of nerds, check this 3

>all get 8



Fuck. You.

Generation Z.


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I'm gonna do it, i'm going for 32

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>all 8
>no 8, both 7
yo what the

Amateurs, behold my 9

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Nice try guys, but check this 5.



First prime and the only (O N L Y) even prime number.
The ultimate digit.

nigger you better be shouting down twitter threads because they are no better


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I just watched a 2 hour long video about how shitty the game is, I think it's hilarious that someone did a speedrun of the game and eliminated osana in 5 minutes thanks to an exploit and YandereDev got so pissed off over it he patched in a special scene for that specific exploit that makes it impossible to do the elimination method in that specific spot. No fun allowed, am I right?

Is this that game that uses a massive, endless nest of if/else statements for everything? Or am I thinking of something else.

Seriously though, a good chunk of those interested in the Yandere Dev drama turn out to be women either in their 20s or 30s. What the fuck.

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