Game starts with a quote

>game starts with a quote

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how old is she?


>post starts with a quote

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>game has a phat dumpy

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>game starts with a hip hop lyric

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who are you quoting?

>game starts

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>Game starts with a 50's song

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I just realized the game I'm playing has one of those but I've skipped it every time I don't even know what the fuck it says hold on bros I'll be back with a report

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>its a quote from Nietzsche
You know you are in for a ludo

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what game

>Game starts by looking like it’s first entry

Heroine's Quest.

It's actually a surprisingly good game with lots of detail attention. You know how in most games at one point you'll ask yourself why you can't just jump over a two foot hedge or something?

Heroine's Quest pretty much lets you do whatever or fucks you over for reasonable reasons.

>Sure you can try jumping across that gap, you'll fall and die, but knock yourself out

One of the puzzles has a solution so obvious, but you'll never think of doing it because video games basically never let you pull that shit, but if it were real life you'd solve it in a second.


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>day starts with a poopy

The grammar mark you are trying to cite is the 'hyperbole'

>Game starts with a fake quote


has changed.
never changesssss.

I don't know man, "Copyright 2007-2009 Rockstar Games Inc." is a pretty good quote

Or does it? The answer is no.
It is yes?

>game starts with an info dump over retro sci-fi music

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>game ends with a quote

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Tell me about Sakura. What makes her the cuttest magical girl?

>"war never changes"

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>game starts with a character voiced by Touyama Nao

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About 30 now
Her birthday was on april 1st

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Dear lord, the shadow her attire casts.

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What Nier: Automata DLC is that?

>Game starts with sky

Fucking automata, what is it with nips and trying to sound smart

It doesn't start with a quote, it starts with 2B saying "i want to kill god"

>game starts with a racial crime statistic

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>game starts by crashing this plane WITH NO SURVIVORS

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>game starts with the player character being raped

>Game starts with an irl quote
>Game starts with in universe quote