You did didn't you?

You did didn't you?

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I want to but the one I want is sold out.

fuck off spirit cooker

I'm saving mine for BFBB

Please try again in 24 hours.

Gonna wait until Index V2 inevitably rolls around in a few years. VR should be fairly well established and I'll have a place with actual room by then

Who impulsively buys shit when we're in this troubling time? Besides retards

I was going to, but $1000 plus an 8 week wait for delivery turned me off.

NEETs who see $1,200 as making them 'nigger rich.'

I'm still gainfully employed, so fuck it. I'm not going to drop money on VR of all things though.

Stop projecting your poor ass on others.

>haven't gotten my check yet

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I wish VR could be used for immersion in games that aren't VR. Like playing in an omni theater around my head.

>check status
>can’t pull up anything
>got my unemployment and tax returns though

Same, first day I did it it kept telling my my info was wrong even after copying it off my tax return. Told me to come back in 24 hours, I did a few times now. That was 3 days ago, I just want to pay my bills.

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I heard a rumor that they're working on another site to check your status. Can anyone verify this?

imagine getting a one time payment and not getting 2k a month in covid bux

VR is like I'm looking out a submarine window or something. It sucks.

>tfw i got my covid check in the first day because I file my taxes early like a good boy

for once it's rewarding to be poor but i'll probably just invest this money into AA

I keep trying with different combinations of information, but you only get three tries. And then there's dumbshit like whether or not my foreign zipcode is being rejected because that was a separate entry in my tax return, and I have no idea how the system is reading it.

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the only correct post in this thread

I know it sucks, but it's likely you'll get it, it just wont be direct deposit. You'll have to wait for that paper check.

Nope. Bough a couple of 360 games and put the rest in savings.

I did my taxes through turbo tax and nothing as of yet. Not that I really need it but it would be nice

the longer this specific post stays up, the more-based Yas Forums mods are in my eyes.

please don't let me down, mods.

lol I've had a quest for over a year, but good try

its more money than I will ever see in my life, so you're godamned right I'm going to blow it all on VR. I'm escaping this shit world before we all die.

Nah. I do want to get a VR heatset at some point, but I am moving soon and have no room to use it at my current place. I will probably get one after I upgrade my PC sometime in the fall.

It's not about being poor you fucks. We're entering a very uncertain economic period and it's very possible your job could be up on the chopping block which could then leave you unemployed for an extended amount of time. You never know

You should at least have 6 months to a year's worth of expenses saved up in an emergency account. If you don't have at least 10k~ or so saved away then I'd take every cent you earn and save it until you do just in case you need it. That's straight where my check is going

If you're already set away for emergencies then you're good, but I'd still be weary of making big purchases right now

tfw no submarine vr game

Vr was a mistake bronichan

That's the one bright side. The IRS did send me a letter earlier this year, so I know they can get it to me, but it's a fucking month of waiting. And I accidentally messed up a digit on my apartment number, but since it didn't all fit on the address, the number got cut out and the local post office was able to track me down by name. The letter in question was actually my tax ID since my identity was stolen a few years back, so that's all probably slowing down the process as well. And all the myriad unique questions I have can't be answered because it's impossible to contact them.

Sorry for the rant blog. I just have no one else to complain to about this.

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What was it?

It's gonna be funny when the value of the dollar tanks int he coming years and all that savings goes to shit.

Better cash'em now before the dems void them all.

where the FUCK are my yangbux, Drumpf

>before the dems void them all.

The dems want to give everyone $2k a month

I thought about it, but I'm holding off until we can get a wireless headset with the full library that like a vive or normal oculus has, not like the quest

no... i'm using it for food and bills and stuff...

I made 102k last year so I didn't get one :'(

Shit no.
I'd rather catch the virus than playing faggoty VR bullshit.

>mfw got my check that I don't deserve or really even need
>gonna blow it on bullshit while actual poor people have to eat toilet paper to survive

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>He doesn't invest all his money into vintage reserve list Magic cards for when the value of the dollar completely tanks

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If you qualify for the check then you are a poorfag and do need it

My car had a ton of shit that needed fixed (put it off for a while). Gonna just save the remaining amount after all of that. Tried VR at a friend's in the past and while it was neat I don't feel compelled to buy a headset.

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haha I can't play vr without having seizures so I get to keep my money haha