>I am forgotten
AI Dungeon Thread

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maclunky lol

what happened to it here
multiple 500+ reply threads a day on Yas Forums for weeks to nothing

the degenerates have their infinite generated smut so why would they bother posting here?

It can't remember enough details or apply logical conclusions to inputs. The end result is always the player writing away whatever problem arises. It needs a better structure and sequential chaining of events.

it just isn't that good. It seems cool at first, but then you realize it's actually really boring

I realized getting my slave porn off /d/ was more effective

It just takes too long to load on my toaster.

Not as good as people make it out to be. Training it is a pain in the ass. But it is a step in the right direction i feel.

The local version crashes/stops generating way too often and the official version keeps censoring more and more.

I use the github version (openCYOA or something like that) and it's been working as well as it always has.

>FotM thing gets attention
>it's fairly rough but has potential for infinite smut
>Yas Forums hijacks the project from some jew to man the project
>starts racking up traction and regular threads are made on Yas Forums mostly to share funny stories, smut and development on the project
>anons come and go, interested in the project
>ultimately at this point it's not developed enough to churn out high quality content, without insane amounts of wrangling, so anons don't stick around for long
>pretty much self-contained to one thread on the catalogue
>ends up getting sent to /vg/ despite this
>absolutely kills current and future interest
>practically no one left that's invested long-term to stay around in the /vg/ because development never got to a point where it could churn out high quality content regularly
>at best it was probably just a few anons showing off their privately trained models or the occasional diamond in the rough story
>development stops shortly after
>/aidg/ dies
I've probably misremembered things but that's basically the jist of it.

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>what happened to it here
this desu, thought mods banned it.

the process of actually playing it became bloated and unclear of what the superior version is

>the official version keeps censoring more and more
That makes me sad, the one good scene I got in this game was when I found a horse and told my character to mount it by going under it, only to be treated to one of the most colorful beast scenes I've ever read

The porn seems worse lately. I don't hit it all that hard, but it seems both less inclined to get into porn even when I whip my dick out and it's less creative and descriptive once the fucking actually starts. Really disappointing me.

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It was fun for about 20 minutes, then you realize there's no cohesion in sessions and nothing that happens will matter in 2 minutes

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>You enter the dungeon. At the bottom of the stairs is a sign.
>>Read the sign
>The sign says "Dungeon"

Idk, posting some random story I have.

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A man in a black robe bumps the thread.

I mean last time I played it I got raped by my fave video game character when I just wanted a wholesome chat.

who was it?

Is it any good for giantessfag porn? I want a custom giantess to use me as her toy


that's someone's fantasy

I mean I wouldn't be against it normally, but I legit just wanted wholesome time.

The issue is that it's not a game, but a really crude collaborative storytelling suggestion box.
You have to play the role of the storyteller, not a player. Your input has to actually be really detailed to the point where you're just telling the AI what you want it to do.
The best it can do is throw a curveball your way and introduce a sometimes interesting plot point if you've been thoroughly descriptive that you then can choose to add to your next story input. What it usually does is just fulfill exactly what you told it and nothing else.
And if you aren't thorough, the AI has nothing to work with and will just loop itself immediately (and default to "the character sees you and likes you, you kill/sex the character in front of you in front of you in you you in in front you died").
>go north
>leave town
>simple text game action
Does nothing. You need to give it several full sentences. You may as well just come up with a story yourself and leave the iffy AI out of it.

Not good enough

how the hell do you even run it now
last time I tried running it was absolute ass, kept railroading me into shit not even recognizing my input

It stopped learning fairly quickly.


It was banished to /vg/ and then died after the only couple people interested in improving it disappeared