Play One Step From Eden or I will personally slap your ass

Play One Step From Eden or I will personally slap your ass.

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Please don't encourage people to NOT play the game user!

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Complaining won't get you anywhere. Go for hell.

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Fuck One Shit From Eden.

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Make me, i dare you untermensch

Waiting for physical release because I don't like to double dip and I'm one of them sick fucks who likes physical media.

Buy it for me

learn english

What if that's what I want?

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I will personally kiss that tummy

Playing it since it was released. It's fine, but I wish the dev would tone down the clutter during gameplay. Trying to concentrate during fights with so much shit going on (and the field being bigger than Battle Network) is a chore.

Dude, fuck late game Reva, those diagonal squares are bullshit.

>Learn that Reva is a decent counter to Shopkeeper and can possibly beat her by World 2
>Realize this is only possible by praying for mana regen/Mana expansions in order to keep up
>Manage to drop Shopkeep down to the triple digits
>She drops the Ice Crystal bombs
Alright how do I beat this bullshit?

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Too fast and cluttered, I wanted Battle Network but it feels like I'm playing a Bullet Hell game instead.

is this the same dev of freedom planet

Read it's description next time

Yeah, my fault.

>freedom planet
Updates... when?

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even more, larger and stinkier bullshit

>Wanna make a fire deck
>Put both focuses on anima
>NO fire spells at ALL

>No story



That's where headcanons can come in handy.

I reached the gate out of posion, but damn that girl hits hard!

>That's where mental illness can come in handy.

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unlock reva's second starting kit, then just soul link her ass when she uses the ice blocks and meteor to nuke her in area 1
or just move in a circle to dodge the crystal explosions, that works too.

>I hate that I have to actually try while playing vidya!

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pay attention and see which crystal spawns first
when it explodes wait and follow it

Sure. When there’s a discount on it. 35$ is too much for an indie rougelike.

>unlock reva's second starting kit
How do?

>How dare my toy not pretend to be anything more than a toy
I'll never understand the dumbass niggers that need annoying, intrusive and completely unnecessary baggage in their games to entertain the stupid and completely fallacious notion that they're not just pushing buttons while looking at a screen flash in pretty colors

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you unlock everyone except saffron's second kit by killing the gate, the final boss you fight if you both kill and spare bosses.
For Saffron you get her second kit for free and her third kit by killing every boss (including the shopkeeper) in a run as Saffron.

more like one step from dont pick up any cards and spam buttons

Only proves that most of Yas Forums doesn't like arcade-style gameplay.

Too much gameplay ruins games.

Does this game have any planned updates/dlc or is this it? I feel like there's so much room for creative shit to do

How the fuck did I unlock Shiso's 2nd outfit, how do I get the others? Cyber Reva looks so much better than default it's almost insulting.

In regards to this game? You're just dodging bad squares and playing cards with their own rules whose information is drip-fed to you through out your playthrough.

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>tfw poison ticks are too slow to be viable late game

Outfits are unlocked from no boss-kill runs.