Just started 2. Why is this game so hard?

Just started 2. Why is this game so hard?
I'm playing on normal and I had to switch to easy to beat a part because I kept dying so much and kept running out of ammo.

Though I'm really not used to shooters so it's hard for me to aim.

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I turned on auto aim while playing these games just to get it over with quicker. The combat in all of the games are a boring peekfest.

The way to play these games is to be aggressive. If you jump onto a wall you can kick the enemy in the face, and if you shoot them right away before hitting them you get an instant kill (steel fist I think it’s called). These games have a cover system but really want you to be jumping around and using it only when necessary.

Theres auto aim I know 4 has it but do the other games have it too?

its piss easy

>the train boss on crushing

Attached: 1563567980966.gif (500x288, 1.03M)

It can't be too hard if it's a movie make up your mind Yas Forums.

I played them wrong then

Holy fuck this
The only reason I won't go for the Platinum

i thought the water room in the first game was harder. got the plats for the first 3 games though.

This shit is bait and all you dumbfucks ITT are eating it.

for me its the fight in the church at the end of the game

Use stealth, running hip firing and shooting from cover without aiming

This. You're not supposed to be a pussy and play peekfest. They give you all the movement options for a reason.

I don't remember 2 being hard. 1 and parts of 3 were a bitch, however.

>tfw could never beat that on co-op crushing because everybody i played with was shit

I got too used to playing Gears where I use cover like a pussy so my first playthrough was also hard. Uncharted 1 has tight corridors but 2 has wide levels where you're supposed to jump around dodging bullets and kicking enemies in the face while they shoot at you. Game becomes way easier like this.

Honestly, the game does a pretty poor job of not encoraginging you to play it like any other cover shooter.
I feel like you can really only understand this when you play online where you HAVE to move around. Uncharted online is essencialy a game of movement and wits

Wait till you see Crushing difficulty.
Honestly in all 3 Uncharted games AI has been kind of bullshit, often grinding progress to a halt as you tried over and over again until you got lucky.
Here's an example of unwinnable situation which the game is chock full of. Note: enemies spawn only once you get close enough so you can't snipe them from afar, and trying to run away after spawning them gets you killed so your only option here really is to take cover behind those rocks.

Attached: lwu6Q0rr4Xvnzb2e.webm (1280x720, 1.67M)

And this is how the entire game plays - peeking and sniping from corner, extra careful, retreating after 1 shot puts you near death (often there's nowhere to retreat), and the game still manages to fuck me over with FromSoft tier bullshit.

Attached: sj5dVi0yUr2MMKmI.webm (1280x720, 1.92M)

>Honestly, the game does a pretty poor job of not encoraginging you to play it like any other cover shooter.

I disagree, the game becomes aggressively more difficult if you play it like a cover shooter. I was way too used to Gears and like OP i found the first game and the first half of 2 to be a nightmare even on normal. That forced me to play it like it was intended and then realized i was doing it the wrong way all along. Then the game became easier and way more enjoyable.

I beat 2 and 3 on Crushing, besides some parts it's doable. 4s hard mode was actually pretty hard though especially the boss fight at the end.

have you played it on the even harder difficulty they made for the collection?

Nah, I put it off for a second replay after I played through the whole series but it's been years since I finished 3 and dropped 4, so.

>Crushing is pretty difficult but still somehow feels fair because of options and decent sized play area
>final area before the final boss is a hallway while a slow characer is being escorted
>final boss has crippling explosions going off everywhere and if they don't kill you they'll stagger you so that Lazarevic can finish you off
Still love this game, think it was my first platinum trophy iirc. I think it's the last game to really feel like a Naughty Dog game.

Attached: Uncharted_ The Nathan Drake Collection™_20160508234012.webm (1280x720, 1.72M)

>I think it's the last game to really feel like a Naughty Dog game.
What's wrong with Uncharted 3?

I beat 2 on the hardest difficulty when I was like 13 user, get good

I actually like 3, 4, and TLOU but I don't know. U3 feels forced and the others were 2serious4me.

Attached: Uncharted_ The Nathan Drake Collection™_20160508221913.webm (800x450, 2.08M)

I started 3 since I never played this one. Is there no multiplayer on the collection? Also, do you need ps+ to play journey with the multiplayer component I remember it having?

Multiplayer is cut. Thankfully that also means online achievements are also gone.
No idea about Journey. Paying for online is such jewery, I remember how when they've introduced it the quality of monthly PS+ games nosedived since they knew they now had people by the balls and subscription wasn't so optional anymore.

Clip walls. Like every third person shooter if you "peak" around a corner and the reticle is able to see someone, you'll hit them.

Shame the collection doesn't have the multiplayer for 2, pre-1.04. That was some fucking gold ND had on their hands.

the collection doesnt have multiplayer, but i think UC4 multiplayer is free anyways

>Multiplayer is cut
That's a shame. I used to play quite a bit of Uncharted 2's multiplayer and tried the open beta for 3 at the time, and quite enjoyed them.
Anyway I agree that charging for online play is shit, especially for games like Dark Souls that have an online component that is mostly subtle.

>i think UC4 multiplayer is free anyways
Will check.


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