Holy shit, this is hard. AI is fucking wizards

Holy shit, this is hard. AI is fucking wizards.

Attached: Far_Cry_cover.jpg (1228x1541, 605.87K)

They can see through walls of tents and shit, there's a mod somewhere that fixes this.

During the jeep escape sequence, it's impossible on the hardest difficulty unless you look directly away from the enemy.

>played on the hardest difficulty when i was kid when it first came out
>decided to replay it recently
>even on the lowest difficulty, the enemy soldiers are fucking lighting me up with submachine guns halfway across the map
>had to redo the carrier mission 20 times where you climb up a ladder and there's an enemy helicopter circling and enemies all around the ladder
>kept getting lit up my the gunner on the helicopter and then finished off by the mooks on the deck


it's sad we'll never see a return to the best the Far Cry franchise has ever been
don't you negroid faggots even bring up FC 2 thru 5

I am at the top of the carrier, helicopter just showed up and I'm getting filtered hard. In a modern game you'd have a rocket launcher appearing just before but here nothing. I'm just getting lit up. Modern games must have made me more retarded and casual because I'm getting my shit pushed in. Also no save scumming or stockable medkits.

Kek just saw your post. At least someone knows my pain.

Better than half life 2. It's an objectively better FPS

This is such fucking bullshit
Is the whole game gonna be like this or is this the most bullshit moment in the game


But it is. It has better AI, better gunplay, more varied enemies, very challenging at higher difficulties. Everything a fps should be

It is pretty unfair at times but still very good. Don't be ashamed to lower the difficulty. See FC2 really isn't that bad, it just shouldn't have been called FC2. FC3,BD,4,5,Nu-Dawn, are all just ubishit collectathons milking a franchise that should've stopped with one game.
The true sequel to Farcry 1 is Crysis.

The second half it's fucking garbage.
It's not even better than hl1.

The mutants were based pleb, maybe you just suck at fps

Xen was better.


This but unironically.
HL2 doesn't even make my top 5 FPS list for 2004. It blows my mind that people think it could be the best one.
I even like HL2, to be clear, I think it's pretty good, but I personally enjoyed UT2K4, Battleifield: Vietnam, Counter-Strike: Source, Star Wars: Battlefront, Tribes: Vengeance, Metroid Prime 2, Painkiller, all more than Half-Life 2.
This is not even mentioning ones that are good but not as good as Half-Life 2, such as Doom 3, Halo 2, Killzone, Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault, Call of Duty Finest Hour, Brothers in Arms road to hill 30, etc...

You can't even change the difficulty mid game fuck


>forgetting this KINO

Attached: Chicago_Enforcer_Coverart.png (256x367, 179.81K)

>Also no save scumming
>stockable medkits

sounds like LESS modern games have made you casual. what is this, duke 3d? fuckin' hexen? LOL

>The true sequel to Farcry 1 is Crysis.

Wtf all those came out in 2004?
Sorry I meant to say FUCKING CONSOLE PLEB


It's an unpolished gem, fuckin love this game.

I said lower it as in start over on easy. OP isn't even that far.

>Tribes: Vengeance
>Star Wars: Battlefront
>Battlefield: Vietnam
>Counter-Strike: Source
How are you gonna compare these multiplayer things to HL2's single player. Fuck off zoomer wikipedia reader.

fps of the year

Attached: also came out in 2004.jpg (640x908, 223.29K)

I remember I was doing a playthrough on the hardest difficulty in HS. Hard as balls, but the half flooded lab with litle monkeys ended the run for me since I had the graphics turned so low the water was too shitty to see through, and the monkeys kept killing me.

Far Cry Instincts is way better then Far Cry 1

Attached: ao29h2utxnq41.png (428x400, 179.79K)

you probably can via console command

Its been nearly 15 years since I played this but remember something about wearing the armor vest helps conceal you because the main character is dumb to change out of his hawaiian shirt. If you run out armor it becomes more difficult to be stealthy.