Why are people so upset about Valve abandoning TF2? Shouldn't they be excited about the future VR has in store...

Why are people so upset about Valve abandoning TF2? Shouldn't they be excited about the future VR has in store? TF2 was an excellent game but it's old af, uses outdated software with shitty performance, and its potential was pretty much used up after 2015. Why can't people just move on?

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Because there hasn't been a suitable replacement for tf2 yet. People will "move on" naturally if and when that happens.

These people need to move on too.

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I love how Valve abandoned TF2 since I can say non pc shit and trigger some redditors


yeah man that playerbase of ironic weaboos and bronies really are fucking triggered and owned hard when you say nigger lol

TF2 was at it's best before it was f2p. If a TF3 ever happened I hope it requires a VR kit.

Because TF2 is endlessly fun and VR is a gimmick.


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a lot of people aren't that interested in VR

They have no idea what they're missing

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Why? If they like the game let them play it.

Because there are better alternatives. They refuse to play anything but Melee and constantly disrespect the developer.

TF2 sucks

>excited about the future VR has in store

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nae you suck

>there are better alternatives
That's subjective. Better to you isn't better to them.
>disrespect the developer
Who cares?

smashfags worship of sakurai is legitimately disgusting. hes a businessman not a fucking philanthropist

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>upset about Valve abandoning TF2
I, for one, am actually okay with that. TF2 may be far from its best at the moment, but I'd rather leave it as it is than have compshitters and e-celebs ruin it even further.

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>still in the top 10 on steam
>haha its ok if they let hackers destroy the game because it's old :)

tf2 fucking sucks, what a hot piece of garbage that game is. all of the gamemodes suck, half the classes are fucking trash, and the cosmetics look fucking horrible, especially when people add faggoty colors to them. it's a fucking eyesore of a game played exclusively by retards.

>Overwhelming evidence to suggest that a large majority of the players are actually robot idlers and the real playercount is somewhere around 5,000
>"Ahhh, yes, trying to stop hackers in free to play first person shooters should be our main concern!"
You sound like a profound businessman user.

[Citation Needed]


VR is lame.

>robot idlers
Anyone who says this has no idea what they're talking about. There is no reason to idle anymore.

HL, TF2, Portal, CS, L4D all garbage games.

I'm not upset that they're abandoning TF2, I'm upset that they're abandoning it now after leaving it in a far worse state than it was a few years ago
people like that Gun Mettle helped resuscitate the game but if anything it made things worse in the long run by introducing tier rarities and weapon skins

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>Valve abandoning TF2?
nice meme

>believing vnn's claim
holy shit it's been proven hundreds of times he pull shit out of his ass. he isn't a fucking wizard. him and the rest of reddit cannot determine jack shit about anything.

Jungle Inferno didn't save it, they realize trying to make content for this game is a waste of effort. It had a 10 year run, they don't need to support a source 1.0 game hardly anyone plays anymore when they're finally making source 2 shit like Alyx.
It's actually teamwork.tf but please feel free to show me the hundreds of proof that the website is actually an elaborate ruse.

He’s in

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