Rented a PS4 just to play this

I've been hearing nothing but good things and hype for this game for full-on years now with so many people saying shit like "It's one of the best games ever made" nonstop, so I started playing it around 2 days ago.

Is it too early to say I'm starting to see why people say this? The combat is fun as all hell once it finally clicks with you, the game's stunning to look at, every detail so far feels like it's made with love. It's one of the few games that feels challenging in a completely fair way so far and it does horror better than so many other games I've played, the feeling of pure tension every time you enter a new area is unreal.

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you're preaching to the choir my freind... we know...

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Nah it's a good game user.

It has a lot of problems that come up after the first 2/3 of the game - chalice dungeons are the only place to really make builds and they suck, there's a lot of weapons shoved into the back quarter of the game that you can't feasibly use for NG, no respec, the game really only has about four distinct areas aesthetically, it's really fucking short

Doesn't mean it's not a lot of fun though

fuck I should've put some bait in the opening post

yea you shou've
but dont worry i gotchu


make a 'dark souls 2 good' post next time, it will work a lot better.

>is it too early to say I'm starting to see why people say this
The best areas/bosses of bloodborne are all the first few areas (yharnam/cathedral ward). the second half of the game suffers a dip in quality almost on par with DaS1, but not quite as bad. The Old hunters has some good and memorable fights, but again the level/area design is disappointing.

It might be short but I'm the kind of guy that plays these sorts of games out thoroughly, I'm 7 hours in and I only just beat the Blood-starved Beast. So far everything I've played I've seriously enjoyed, even if it did take me like 3 hours to figure out how the visceral attack thing works
will take note for the next inevitable BB thread

>dlc level/area design is disappointing.

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while it's fun to talk about the flaws of a well-loved game, I'm interested in hearing about what you guys enjoy about it. Pretty late to the party I know but this is the most fun I've had with a game in a while.

It's literally a reskinned yharnam up until the last zone.

>with DS2 anywhere other than within the top 3

It’s not for everyone, and it’s not perfect, but goddamn I can’t really think of any games that flawlessly blend so many things. By all rights a melee-heavy adventure game with goofy-ass MH weapons set on planet Reddit shouldn’t work the way this does, but it does. It’s just a fucking blend of everything that makes video games great with none of the bullshit that wrecked video games

The aggression-heavy combat system is one of the funnest things to come out of the souls-like genre, seriously, somehow keeping up the high difficulty and challenge of the game while also encouraging players to be aggressive all the same? It's so damn fun right off the bat.

It's exactly the opposite for me - I really liked the areas after yharnam, and I really liked the DLC too

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I really love BB armor sets

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What were your favourite areas and why user?
The designs in this game in general are top notch stuff honestly

I love that there are a number of different boss mechanics.
Can you backstab them?
Can you riposte them?
Are they weak to blood cocktails or other items?
Can you stagger their weak points?
Can you burst stagger them?

Combined with bosses having multiple phases and tons of moves, it’s just a really great time overall. That and the atmosphere, music, gameplay, combat, levels, enemies, etc

>tfw beat Ludwig with the Logarius wheel


I've been enjoying every boss I've fought so far for those reasons honestly. When I peaced together what you had to do with the music box in Gascoigne's fight for example I gained a lot of appreciation for just how challenging you versatile the bosses in the game seemed like they'd be.
Weirdly enough the fight you have with the one white-dressed Hunter in Old Yarnham on top of the roof was my favourite fight so far, it was difficult as fuck because of his health but getting down the timing of dodging and parrying on him till the end was the most rewarding thing.


I hope this game never gets a sequel, as much as i would kill to play it its perfect on its own, it always leaves you with wanting more

Does the DLC at least fix that craving a bit?

Uh, I think you're trying too hard to be part of the cool kid's club. You're never going to enjoy this game genuinely if you do this sort of social thing. Just enjoy the game for yourself and then you can talk about it.

What do you mean social thing? I never like going to this board unless it's to discuss something I actually enjoy. when people talk a lot about a game they love I feel more excited to play it rather than feel skeptical about how good it could be, for once I'm glad I listened to Yas Forums.

This makes no fucking sense

How can one post be so wrong. Central Yharnam and Cathedral Ward are the boring parts. It’s after that when you start to see and fight cool shit
You’re forgetting that Research Hall is inaccessible although visible in Upper Cathedral Ward. Anyway the Research Hall is the most ludo level ever made in the entire franchise.

Every time this game gets mentioned I crawl out of the woodworks to preach my
undying love for it. The gameplay is so good, the lore is so rich and there's so much to dig into, the world it beautiful and horrific, the enemies are creativity designed and so detailed. Everything about it is great and I love it so much.

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I can't wait to play Bloodborne at 4k 60fps on the ps5

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Yes, it's great. It's the definition of killer app.


I've owned bloodborne for years and it took years to click with me. I'm glad you're enjoying it. Make sure you do all the non root chalice dungeons since that's where the unique content is in that area of the game.

>Central Yharnam and Cathedral Ward are the boring parts.
for someone who's going into the game blind, this makes me look forward to playing more of the game even more since I've really enjoyed both those areas so far.
Something about the ambience of Central Yarnham is just fucking great, just looking at the architecture of the place and the neat shit like the statues and so on is immersive as hell but the soundscape is also top shit. The sound of the bell and ocassionally the maniacal laughing of people from inside their homes really sells how fucked up of a place the setting is.
A part of why I was so looking forward to playing the game was so I could join the discussion about it, it's neat as hell to see even years after its release the game still has an avid userbase.

Will make a note of that, cheers. At what point would you say the game ended up clicking for you? For me it was after being able to sweep through Central Yarnham after learning how to do viscines properly, it's such an exhiliarating feeling.

I get the sense that you're far too concerned about becoming a Bloodborne fan probably because you have seen people talk about the game a lot and praising it and you want to be part of that in-group.

Well welcome to the community, we have eyes for days.

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The only reason nightmare of mensis is consider remotely hard is because dumb ass try hards that dont spend their insight. Insight has 2 effects. Reveals new enemy patterns and decreases your frenzy resistance. Friendly reminder to use your insight op. Its everywhere, it's free
since your renting you have no excuse to not use a psn free trial and play co op and pvp. Unlike dark souls bloodborne encourages you to fight everything.
Vials drop like crazy everywhere but chalice dungeons and pressing up on the dpad gives you bullets in exchange for health. No matter the build get some arcane, it helps that almost everything scales with it and the flame sprayer can be sick op. Also gun riposte are good but against some enemies a fully charged power attack to the back is better.

I beat the game once and never found the blue aliens boss or the snowy castle

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Not really honestly. I've never been one for elitism, I just like trying out new shit that seems like it'll either be interesting or enjoyable. I'm renting a ps4 for a while so I just wanted to check off the list all the games I've heard a lot of praise for, and Bloodborne sounded really neat so that's why I wanted to give it a go first. Sorry if I gave the impression you were thinking of, I just always end up feeling excited getting to play and experience stuff other people have been passionate about for a while.
Thank you!
Is the online community still active? Damn, I'll do that then. Thank you for the tips as well, I've put most of my stats into vitality, strength and endurance so far, only recently levelled arcane and bloodtinge.


Even this fucked up place can mostly agree that BB is a good game.

>How can one post be so wrong. Central Yharnam and Cathedral Ward are the boring parts. It’s after that when you start to see and fight cool shit

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It's kind of refreshing to see, positive discussion of games is a lot harder to come by so I've been looking forward to talking about the game for a while.

Don't worry, the Cainhurst carriage trigger is bullshit, I also missed it the first time.

It started clicking for me this year. Actually I've played it once every year since it came out but this year I fell in love with it. I didnt like the transition from dark souls being defensive and methodical to bloodborne being more action oriented and I'm still not really used to it, but what I really let ruin it for me was the frame rate, however I let go of that recently and just appreciate it for what it is. I do wish there were more armors though as that's the only complain about it I have, that I haven't overcome. I could talk all day about how me being biased ruined this game for me for so long but I wont. Hope you're having fun user!

That means you also missed she-cthulhu.

>chalice dungeons are the only place to really make builds
What? I've beaten the game numerous times and have barely looked at the chalice dungeons.