Good game

>Good game
>Poor service, constant lag and server crashes despite the high GCD (Global Cooldown).
>Impossible to play

Attached: Final Fantasy XIV Online - Downbringers.jpg (800x800, 74.03K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>my internet sucks
>game's fault

Low quality bait, try again.

Attached: 1477431759292.jpg (780x792, 155.37K)

He's a retarded MMORPG player. What else could you expect?

Nope, I play other online game with perfect ping like Phantasy Star Online 2, Overwatch, WoW, TF2 etc. SE service is just faulty, just search about server downtime, lag and crashes in their official foruns or trought Steam.

>'I don't know how internet works'

Strike two, got one more attempt. Can you please try to make it a good one this time?

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Attached: ifyouliveintheselocationscongratsyoucanplaythegame.gif (750x375, 87.49K)

Are guys being paid by Squenix to defend their games for FREE? This is a common problem of the game right now, it's not even about the quality of the game it's about their service.


What is this outift anons?
I want to make it for my healer outift

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Shut up, fag.

Someone post the image from re3 where the guy goes “get off my train shit BRD” that was posted a few threads ago

Do you even know how internet works? You probably go through a Level 5 don't you? Yeah, sounds like a Level 5.

Holy fucking based

You guys are a disgrace to the game community.

This is why you guys deserve endless remasters and bad remakes, seething about laying the truth about Squenix bad service.

Are you guys going to defend that the Steam copy of FF XIV is not shared with the Windows version too?

Ow is crap paypiggie

>Just started game last week
So when does the game pickup? Im enjoying what I played so far but I heard the story gets really good but when does this occur? Makes sens at the juncture where im at, its just buildup.

Cry more, stupid faggot.

After the end of AAR, level 50+, but be prepared for a giant filler questline of something like 100 quests of padding until the next expansion.

The only disgrace is people's absolute fucking garbage knowledge of how internet works.
>But my other games work, WAAAAH SE MUST SUCK
Fucking christ, all internet must be fucking routed to the same place, right? RIGHT? Holy shit you sound like a Stadia user.



There is no real answer for server, unless they put a server in my location, and i would rather play on US server anyway. So i cant complain about that. Aside from ninja, you have to be a tranny to complain about the ping that i get. (Worst case scenario, you put extra skill speed on your shit.)
Now about the Steam/Windows bullshit, i dont have a clue on how japs can be so retarded to do that.

Imagine having worse internet than an Australian because I don't have any issues despite being connected to the NA region

This game is so difficult to even log into, once you finally log in, the end game is crap. takes only about 2 days to get to max level and then end game is you standing around.

Next patch is suppose to rework to be less of a slog, though that may not be til summer at this point. It picks up a lot towards the end of ARR then then the moment you hit HW. The gap will shrink at least soon.

It's been really laggy recently, or is it just me?

> but be prepared for a giant filler questline of something like 100 quests of padding until the next expansion
Im fine since I'll just level the other class.
If Im not super raid heavy will I still be able to go through shit fine? I got burned out in raiding during WoW since it was a literal job in itself.
Thats good to know thanks
Oh thats cool, experience is fine for me so far unless it gets even worse in the 30s.

t. cutscene skipper

>links tech support forums
>there's people that need tech support

Did you know, the Technical Support forum for literally any game has people who need Technical Support for said game? Did you know that?

Attached: 1564372993221.jpg (283x396, 24.51K)

Imagine sucking SE dick this much
>140 ping on my own data center with the best internet provider of the province
Move the fucking servers to Chicago

Attached: DGvu0UiUwAAMrx-.png (710x1024, 326.3K)

>go here
>talk to some dude
>go here
>talk to some dude
>go here
>talk to some dude
>go here
>talk to some dude
>go here
>kill 5 enemies
>Quest complete!

i honestly dont get it

>takes only about 2 days to get to max level
You wish

>imagine being such a flat brain that he doesn't know how to do a pathping and realize the issue isn't SE

Boy, it's like they let literal children on the internet these days.

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Attached: review.jpg (352x327, 26.05K)

Its their attempt to make you quit this game.

As I've said

t. cutscene skipper

Go back to WoW

Yeah the issue totally isn't that the servers are in fucking california
I have better ping to the eu servers than on my own region
The game is unplayable without a VPN anyway

just like a real final fantasy game. only minus the random encounters

>east coast
>get ~90 ms on NA servers
>100 ms on EU servers

Now we've officially looped back to
>my internet sucks
>game's fault
If you don't know how your ISP is routing you, then kindly, fuck right off. If you actually have understood anything I've said, then call your ISP and bitch at them. Throw w/e nodes are causing you to lag at them until they fix the routing or until they direct you at whoever owns those nodes.

Attached: 1577935237730.jpg (740x542, 55.88K)

I live in Mexico and I can play well.





Attached: retard.png (1021x553, 314.17K)

Works on my machine

Attached: tcp.jpg (277x68, 7.77K)

Good routing won't lower my ping to cali level, even mudfish makepretend 0 ping isn't perfect.
Sure you can, on a caster or tank maybe

cotton bandana low lvl item
survival shirt
those executive pants u can buy infront of the uldah aetheryte
dunno about shoes, might be called boulevard something

Why do you lie on internet user?

I'm completely amazed by how Yas Forums is absolutely slave, kneeling, begging to Squenix service.

Seethe mutt

>Sure you can, on a caster or tank maybe
No problems in NIN or SAM anyway compadre

Attached: Pepe Mex.jpg (720x689, 90.55K)

I feel fate repeating itself. Do you know how you're being routed to the servers? Almost anyone that runs into trouble gets sent through some shit Node before it even touches SE's end. Level 5 has been a massive troublemaker, but their not alone. SE's NA servers could literally be anywhere in NA and some bunch of people are still going to get routed through shit Nodes that SE has nothing to do with.

yikes, you think that's good?

you stop double weaving past 150 so yes

With or without a vpn? Without I wouldn't believe you parse higher than blue.

>You NEED to KNOW A LOT about INTERNET, ROUTING AND OTHER INFORMATIONS to play Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn™.

>Well, or you can play another game in which you just install the game and play it without any issue like all other games.

Attached: rlm.jpg (1916x945, 237.79K)

Girl, I live in eastern canada, of course I'm going to pass through a bunch of different nodes, the servers shouldn't be in california, end of it, do you live there?

You need to know how to stop being a faggot

New player here, I always played tanks in mmos so I chose DRK and got him to 80 but it’s extremely boring, are the other tanks the same or is there one that’s more fun
Got DRG and BRD to 66-70 range and they have way more shit going on for them

I agree, consume product by BlizzardTM and play World of WarcraftTM

>I can bitch and cry about a topic I don't know about and expect people to observe it's 100% valid and true despite that

Someone, somewhere is going to bitch about server locations no matter where they are. People bitch when they were in Montreal to start with. I'm fucking on goddam shit DSL in the middle of cornfield Illinois and I somehow manage Ultimates, because I'm not routed to shit nodes. People in fucking Nevada still get shit nodes because L5 has a primary one there that fuck with others.