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it's already confirmed that they are not a couple nor have anything going on

>retard fujos latching on to the use of "partner"
gonna kill myself brb

>implying that will stop fujos

fuck off furfag

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fujos on suicide watch

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No straight beaver would have that queer little blonde floof on their head like CJ does. And just look at who Flick dresses, total fag.

>image search
>it's porn by a shota artist
die lmao

>appearance dictates sexuality
fujos begone

flick dresses like that because he's edgy, hence his love for insects, is like some teenage edgy phase he never grew out of it also
>being blonde equals gay
what a stupid logic

no, but they'll seethe being reminded that they aren't. nothing pisses of shippers so much than showing official info

I need a link

>furry and a pedophile
shocking, it's almost as they are synonyms

It's already determined by public opinion that they're squealing homos, so the gay fanart won't stop.
You really don't deal with shippers often, do you?

I'm not gay, but I'll support any pedophile, no matter their sexual orientation or gender


yeah and hillary won presidency due to popular opinion right? oh wait...

take your pills, schizo

>You really don't deal with shippers often, do you?
not him but as former tumblr user? yes they absolute get assblasted when you rub it in their face

you realize you're just as mad as they are right? why do you even care?

this, and one way to really piss off shippers is when it looks like their ship is going to be canon, but then it gets snatched away and never evered
Like just look at those fucking idiots who constantly tried to Ship Kylo and Rey from the new star wars, they were assblased beyond belief when Kylo died right as it seemed their ship was going to be canonized

>why do you, a married gay man, care about women fetishizing homosexuality?
lmao bitch are you for fucking real? i have every right

im just stating true facts about cj and flick not being gay

or the creator of "Mao Mao", this cartoon on Cartoon network, de-confirming a gay ship between the two main characters, and making people really pissed in the process.

Homosexuals are fucking hypocrites

>tfw 70% of shota artists are fujos

Redpill me on what is shit gay shit?

I want to tap Flick's twinky little lizard butt

>CJ says "partner" once
>Homos: They're gay!
>Californians: What do you mean its a translation quirk? I've never heard non-gay people use the word partner.
>Me in Texas
Can we delete twitter from forever? How can we destroy it?

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and it's usually some furfag that makes a big fuzz that their ship never happens
just delete california, problem solved

Nips would literally rather end the world than admit to being gay.
See: Devilman, bunch of other anime

You're not from texas or else you'd have written it as PARRRRRRRRDNERRRRRR then YIPPEE KI YAY MOTHERFUCKER

Im quoting the Californians not myself, pardner.

Do you not have eyes?
Look at this thread and then look at the bullshit that flings from their mouth when they about "finding out about yourself"
Nothing but cultist propaganda for the weak and mentally unstable

>Nips would literally rather end the world than admit to being gay.
I don't see a problem.

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>getting mad at gays for the problems fujos cause
you have brain problems

Yes, every right to get as triggered as any SJW.

Do they need to wave a rainbow flag?

>See : Devilman

The entire point of that was that lucifer was gay as hell decades ago before the netflix remake.

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well yeah gays should say something on the matter but no, they let it slide and later whine when people stereotype them

>live with a roommate?
>you're gay lmao

Who? Literally who? How is this video games? Can you furries either fuck if for hang yourselves?

what is the fun in confirmed dating gay characters
it's much more fun if it's just speculation like red & blue's gay undertones
personally i think treehouse used the word "partner" on purpose, it's very clear they have an agenda, they already put an actual line in about lesbian princesses or whateveer

Shoo shoo.

I dunno if CJ is gay but Flick is definitely fucking homo. Just look at him. He even compares himself to a midwife lmfao