Dark Souls 2

Who thought these fuckers were a good idea?

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Best encounter

People who weren't so shit at the game that they couldn't fight 2 very simple enemies with the same moveset at the same time.

They're one of the better bosses in the base game. And if you're too shit, you have to recognize that they drop a similar amount of souls and have a similar amount of hp as the Smelter Demon, so they're really meant to be a midgame boss.

It would be if it weren't for the shockwave attacks.

Nice idea, ok execution. You first have to fight 1 in a tiny space, so it forces you to learn how to evade his moveset properly, and afterwards you fight 2 but in a bigger arena and some new moves (like the spin2win and shield throw).

Not a bad fight at all, if you want a bad fight in this area look at The Lost Sinner

bruh they even leave a summon npc right nearby for you shitters

I liked the fight, loved their aesthetic

>has the only two handed hammer that actually looks like a realistic warhammer since Demon's Souls
>you can't get it
I will never not be mad

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too many shockwaves, NPC is useless, and it can easily become a 3v1 fight and you are the 1

Fucks sake. What is the closest thing in DS2 though? I’m running the Gyrm Greathammer

Either the Archdrake Mace or the Drakekeeper's Warpick. The mace has shit stats and the pick is way too oversized so neither is a particularly fitting choice.

>can't even kill at least 1 before the npc dies
you're the problem

I'm playing it for the first time, and the first bit was really fun. 1 is my favorite game, and I kind of disliked 3, but I was having fun until Harvest Valley/Earthen Peak, but holy shit this game went down the shitter here.

>You first have to fight 1 in a tiny space, so it forces you to learn how to evade his moveset properly, and afterwards you fight 2 but in a bigger arena and some new moves (like the spin2win and shield throw).
>Not immediately fighting all 3 of them at the same time at the bottom

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>MFW power stancing Gyrm Greathammers
The sheer amount of fucking poise break and damage you can do with a single L1 is hilarious.

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>Power Stancing

sounds fun in a game where iframes worked

Imagine Dark Souls 2 with a Phantasy Star online system

the iframes in 2 weren't all bad if you invested a few points into adaptability. I beat the entire game and DLC with only 85 agility which is like 6 or 7 points into adaptability.

>the iframes in 2 weren't all bad if you invested a few points into adaptability.

shame nothing at all mentions that "higher adaptability = iframes" when Demon's and Dark 1 had "current weight / max weight = iframes"

Just wait until later.

>DUDE what if there were 3x as many gargoyles as in 1? lmao

what was the most bullshit boss and why was it cool ranch dorito man
mainly for the walk there

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>Another knight in armor boss

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yeah that was a problem. Personally I'm a huge fan of all the Souls games but I'd be the first person to admit the games don't give enough of a tutorial or anything.

the stupid bed of chaos

>cool ranch dorito man
I have no idea who you're referencing. However my absolute worst boss would be the fucking Smelter Demon. I fucking hated that fight. Granted my first experience with him was before I knew how iframes and adaptability worked

>complaining about knights in armor in a game about knights in armor

Because the B team didn't understand the basic design philosophy of DS1 and assumed more=better and lmao it's hard xD

cool ranch dorito man is the smelter demon, the dlc one

The ruin sentinels were cool and were honestly one of the better fights in DaS2.
Even among dudes in armor they had a certain aesthetic, being so lanky and in-sync with their attacks.

I didn't discover how to light torches until my second playthrough

Explain O&S and Sanctuary Guardians, then.
Or are you just very selective with your shitpos- I mean memory?

There's a stone slab right at the first bonfire that tells you you can light torches at bonfires, and every bonfire in the game has the toggle action option. It doesn't take a genius to figure it out.

O&S was one of literally two fights in the game where you fight two bosses at once, and they're the only two phase fight. Sanctuary Guardians are a fun co-op battle.

Shit, Sanctuary Guardians were the only good boss in 3.

oh well then fuck him doubly so.

their arena is shit, otherwise they're good
shouldn't start you on that platform, you should just get dropped into the arena, maybe via cutscene

>DaS2fag doesn't get the difference between good and bad group fights

Sanctuary Guardians are also 100% optional, the required dlc fight is only against one.

Not only are you forgetting gargoyles, but you're also assuming Sanctuary Guardians are from 3.

That's a false equivalence right there. Those bosses were designed with idea that the player had more confidence in themselves and threw a wrench in your ego. These niggas in DS2 were simply cheap evidenced by the copy paste attacks they have, nufag

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Didn't SOTFS make these an optional boss?

Btw, what's the general consensus. Is the OG Dark Souls 2 better, or the SOFTS version?


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> /JoJo pose

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Sorry to burst your bubble, but ruin sentinels are optional.
Really obvious in these threads seeing who has actually played the game and those that are just blindly hating on it.

fuck i love dark souls 2

I like how alien they are. You can just imagine them popping off the helmet and there's this guy under there

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Going from fighting 1 v 1 in a confined space to a 1 v 1 for a few seconds where you want to deal as much damage as oyu can before the 2nd comes and then finally 1 v 2 where if you played right only have to finish tha last bit of one before going 1 v 1 again.
Absolute kino

I've played all 3 Dark Souls extensively. 400+ hours in all of them. That said, Dark Souls 2 has the weakest story, but most solid combat/PvP. Power stancing, the different weapon move sets, armor types, etc. The game was unique in its own way.

You're an idiot.
I bet you think Pontiff Sulyvan is a good boss, too.

Wtf? Is that real?

>basic design philosophy
damn dark souls 1 was fucking enginereed in lab with all those guidelines and shit its so carefully mastered that OH SHIT TAURUS DEMON AND CAPRA DEMON IN MY LOST IZALITH?