$29.99 none of that $60 multiplayer only bullshit

>$29.99 none of that $60 multiplayer only bullshit

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I want no multiplayer-only bullshit at all

None of that player base either

This game was unironically great, but Cliffy B being an insufferable asshole killed his own magnum opus. 10x the game Valorant is.

They purposefully only show women's faces on the cover, with a black most visible, and some dumb bitch with that retarded sidecut, then a double amputee. Muh fuckin diversity. Glad this game failed.

Have sex.

Ok snowflake

Is this game worth picking up?

yeah you will really enjoy the menus


>years late to the class based shooter craze
>game fails
>in an act of desperation they release Radical Sheights
>once again late to the craze
>company goes under

It has 0 players, literally. God tier gameplay when it first came out though.

I just checked steamcharts and it really has 0 players
I don't get how this is possible, even some obscure mmos private servers have a community of like 10-20 people

I had so much fun shitposting with bros about those games on here when the servers were still up but only doing double digit numbers

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>They purposefully only show women's faces on the cover, with a black most visible
And this literally only bothers you and the other dozen or so trumpanzee mouthbreathers in your trailer park. It really makes you think.

No, you see, radical heights actually had a shot. A slim one, but still. He paid Ninja to play it for like a day and it gained a little bit of momentum, but they had already bled too much money and had to shut down the servers. And the game was okay for a fortnite clone, just horribly unfinished. It had some neat ideas like the always shrinking grid.

>Those character designs
Are you high?


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Better than TF2, horsefucker

It's because you literally can't play it anymore

>game caters to people who only complains about vidya, but never plays them
>it flops
Who would've thunked

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>game fails because of 30 dollar price tag
>immediately makes a shitty free to play
>it fails horribly
>cliffyb on suicide watch since then

uglier than my own fucking self

Was it the first to introduce the pay system to BR's? Because it's what I always think about when I see the new cod


>unironically great
No way. Played it with real Yas Forums when it was circling the drain and it was garbage.

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Shit bait. I played the Alpha and the closed beta for this game and remember telling the devs their game was shit. No idea why they invited me so I guess keys were random. I had a list of reasons that made the gameplay shit and told them their character designs were ugly as hell. They needed at least two attractive characters for fans to latch on to, but the retards got defensive and told me the designs weren't going to change. They made SOME gameplay changes I suggested but not all, so when the game launched the few people who did play it had the same complaints I did. Bunch of dumbfucks.

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Holy fuck. I forgot all about this game. It's already shut down. I thought it would at least trudge on in limbo with a small community of dedicated autists. They just shot it dead and moved on.

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Dykes should be in the ground, not in video games

It needed to be put down, it had so few players that they were having to organize on discord to start a match.

I wonder why that phrase became so memed on. Of all the things Lawbreakers did wrong, being cheaper than average was not one of them. IIRC around the same time there were a few AAA shooters that charged full price despite having no single player component. I was worried that was going to become a new normal.

>It needed to be put down, it had so few players that they were having to organize on discord to start a match.
Holy fuck that is so fucking sad.

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