>you are now entering the Gulag
You are now entering the Gulag
>empty arena
>screen fades to black and music stops
How was CoD able to get away with referencing Soviet death camps? Would they have been able to say "heading to Auschwitz" without controversy?
Stage 10-5 of Super Monkey Ball Blitz on extreme time trial.
>Would they have been able to say "heading to Auschwitz"
yes because its more contriversial to name soviet death camps than nazi ones, because many retards unironically consider the soviet union one of the good guys
Maybe because Nazis killed millions of Jews just because of their race while the Soviet Union put fascists, racists, and Nazis (who deserve death) into gulags?
>many retards unironically consider the soviet union one of the good guys
t. brainwashed amerimutt
this is so true
So let me clarify, you are in favor of killing people for their believes? Does not that sound a little bit,hypocrite?
No man deserves death. Put some Zen in your life.
that's not true, most of them were kulaki who were just farmers fed up with the ussr
>Soviet Union put fascists, racists, and Nazis (who deserve death) into gulags?
And people who didn't believe in communism, people who didn't want to starve to death in a shit hole country, people who didn't want to work twelve hours a day in a factory, people who thought that the private sector should exist, people who complained about the lavish life style of the communist party while having to life in cramped commie blocks. Honestly, fuck communists. The worst sort of person to ever exist.
If you were freeing captives and shooting nazis yes they would say that.
Give me a game where you shoot and/or enslave piggie corporate CEO slavemasters and jeffrey epstein level global cabal pedophiles or shut the fuck up
Communism is evil user
We literally saved the world while sparing as many enemy lives as we could, retard. Show some fucking gratitude for once in your irrelevant faggot life. Not once, not twice, but fuck, quadrillionth time?
Either you tards would be speaking Germanic, Russian, Arab or hell, whatever the fuck they speak in Kosovo.
Not him but you are a shut in and a recluse. Many people I have met have sympathies with the Soviets. One had a hammer and sickle tattoo on their neck, another told me cuba was a workers paradise and another still told me they thought that China was "misunderstood". All of the above have told me that Lenins years were top tier and that if Stalin had not intervened it would have been exceptional and paradose like.
>kill all X for being Y
>No, let's kill you instead
Holy shit, this chapotard cope. You could end up in a gulag because some commissar decided he didn't like your face or wanted to fuck your wife. Many, many revolutionaries and academics that supported the creation of the USSR were killed because hey, we don't need anymore revolutions now tima I'm in power. Hence the "useful idiot" moniker that applies to modern commies and authoritarians and revolution larpers as well.
And in case you weren't aware, Stalin had plans for a complete genocide of the Jews in the USSR drafted up when he died. He even had the, get this, train cars set aside for it.
>cuckitalists who have been fucking over the rest of the world from day one think they're better than anyone else
the absolute state of amerifats egos, holy fuck
Nice non existent argument. Back ya go.
>hates commies
>must be a robber baron capitalist
*laughs in ecofascist* and I am a brit user.
We are. She lost. USSR lost. China is losing. Nazis lost. Fascists lost. Literally everyone is losing to the great United States of America. It's almost like true freedom and being the greatest country ever made makes us superior or something..
Funny how America still loses to Vietnam and Afghanistan
China IS generally misunderstood, americans don't know anything about their history post revolution, their current politics, what exactly is happening in hong kong, or anything aside from whatever CNN/FOX tells them
user, thank you for this based post, I drew a picture of you in thanks.
Imagine defending a political system in the year 2020 of our Lord, kek
>not Alcatraz
wasnt that going to be a map anyway?
yeah you really fucking care huh
Nope. We won those too no matter what agitprop charts you pull out.
And we're gonna win over Iran, North Korea, nu-Russia, and whenever europoors get uppity again. God is with us, not you. And the forces of good is us, not you.
Yes that's why the leftists of today despise Stalin and Lenin, aside from larping anime tranny retards.
Again... not an american. But I am guessing you are one considering how obsessed you are with the current and the new. The girl I know that said this was refering to Maoism and Mao's rule in the revolutionary early days. She tried to redeem this period as a string of famines and whatnot, coinciding with the regime. Or that the actions of the regime could have been gentler if only circumstance was not against them.
You sure did lil guy, you sure did.
I don't care if you're american or not, I wasn't talking about you