Help me Yas Forums I'm crying

Help me Yas Forums I'm crying.
I don't know this person.
This game is too much.

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Well user are you just gonna be a bitch about it? Respond to the guy

how old?


Be their friend OP

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very cute
did a girl leave that message
how did you meet regardless

>playing shit games

>Showing everyone a letter someone else sent
OP might be an animal crossing NPC



You know what you must do.

You must fuck Aspen. Do it faggot. Fuck your friend in the ass.

aspen needs to learn when to line break

Just call him a fucking faggot

Call him a faget and post result

I sent a Bunnie Poster bc I think they said she was one of their favorites. I said "You are always welcome!" among other things.

I have no idea how old. I don't know anything but their character is a girl. I would guess a young girl IRL.

I don't know how we linked it was probably a public dodo code and then we added each other.

She has been over to my island several times obviously.

I don't know how I feel about sharing the letter with Yas Forums but I couldn't keep to myself.


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Aspen? More like aspie
it's still very cute, you should continue being their friend

get on a discord call with her

No for gay jesus

>user gets a daughterfu
Always be there for her, user.


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forge a friendship to last a lifetime

how to get random people and visit random people in this shit game?

open gates
use dodo codes

but isnt that for friend list only?

What happened with that one user that ended up adopting his younger cousin cause her mother died or some shit. It was a long time ago.

I mean if its true, just be nice to them.
Its kind of sad in a way.
If you think they are younger I'm not sure what to tell you other than just be nice and play AC with them. Theres really no harm in it, and you make them feel good. Besides, if it is a kid, and you're in the US, chances are they aren't in school right now and literally don't even have any chance to make RL friends until corona lockdown is done.

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>I would guess a young girl IRL
It's probably some autistic tranny from Yas Forums

you can open gates for anyone, then you get a dodo code that the other person can use to get to your island, it's how people here visit each other without having to send friend request
although I really don't know if/how this can work for truly random people to just join you without knowing the code, unless they're bruteforcing the dodo codes

Dodo codes are just a random code that you get. If you post it someplace online, anyone can enter that code and come to your island, friend or not.

Are there any more of these? This game could be Miiverse 2.0.

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>tfw you'll never befriend a cute girl in this game and be her only friend / father figure
why even live
where do people go to find these public dodo codes


Miiverse quality comes from kids being retards, posting shit why can't metroid crawl, not from a lonely kid being happy that a stranger was kind enough to play a game with them.

Any social media, site, forum, streaming site, etc. where people are playing and posting their codes.
Unless you mean how you get one. Just go to the airport, open your gates, and select dodo code. He gives you some random code and you can just give it to strangers/post it online. Then people can come visit.

>you're kinda one of my only friends
be kind to them op, having no friends and no family is so lonely. i wouldn't wish it on any of my enemies

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>>user gets a daughterfu
Does anyone have that pasta of an abused runaway girl who met user and he really did adopt her?
The one where she peed on the bed on her first night.