Persona 5

>literally awakens her persona in September but you're STILL not allowed to use her until December

Why? Literally fucking why? You only get like 5-10 hours with her tops when you could've had 20+ hours with her.

Imagine acutally being able to use Kasumi in Palaces 6, 7, 8, Memontos, and the Yalaboth dungeon. Atlus was fucking lazy

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Really, THAT FUCKING long just to use her in the game. WHAT THE FUCK

Yep you literally can only use her in the final semester, there's always a contrived reason for why she can't help you.

During and After Palace 5/: Sorry, I want to focus on my Gymnastics.
Palace 6: Cameo
Palace 7 - Endgame: Nooo it's to dangerous for you, you might get hurt!

>awakens her persona in September
But she didn't. It wasn't truly awakened until she had her moment in January.

>I know I have this power but I don't entirely align with the Phantom Thieves yet plus I must focus on my gymnastics for now
It seems fairly reasonable to me

I want to use her in bed

my bird bride

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Too bad you are capped at rank 5

>Royale wasn’t made available as DLC to the P5
Come the fuck on

What were they thinking?

At least they didn't make it exclusive to another console

Because that would have required real, actual effort. They would have had to rewrite a huge amount of the script and redo tons of cutscenes to include her along with her interactions and the other characters interactions with her. That's why they tacted on that new palace at the very end. Although they could have just made her a bonus type character that you can use in combat but doesn't actually exist outside of it. Guess that would have been too jarring but honestly I would have preferred to actually play as her instead of getting that shitty new story.

please tell me at least they changed up the layout of each palace so that it not exactly the same as vanilla P5

It's mostly the same. There are a couple of new side paths here and there for loot/seeds, and sometimes an alternate route you can get to with the grappling hook, but for all intents and purposes they're the same. The palace bosses have new phases at least.

I expected Akechi and Kasumi would be party members during the main story. When I found out all their content was shoved into the new semester I lost all interest in getting Royal.

>Palace 7 - Endgame: Nooo it's to dangerous for you, you might get hurt!
To be fair, they were up against some serious shit there, and it wouldn't have been right to pull in a newbie (who wasn't blackmailing them) into a situation that could get them legitimately assassinated by the government

If you are expecting a total overhaul, you'll be dissapointed.
It's about the same as FES, mostly just QOL changes, though the new story content is integrated into the main game.

I duno how to put Kasumi into my party. She's basically pure phys, but I've been rolling more magic focused. She doesn't have any party buffs besides crit up.

Guess I'll use her whenever I do NG+

i can't enjoy persona combat anymore after 7R

Yea that's honestly what killed Royal for me. Like if they made it so Akecki joins you after your fight with him and have him join you for the rest of the game along with Kasumi being an optional party member that you can get has her own side story I could have been alot more interested but the new Royal story just kinda undermines the original's ending. Would have prefered if the new Royal Palace was something like a less shitty the answer

Hey guys im playing 5 original on Hard and I guess im finishing or very close to finish Kamoshida's palace, what the fuck is wrong with Power? I'd think the common enemy variant would be less dangerous than the boss but somehow I got one shotted by him despite doing TWO All Out Attacks on the same turn. This is bullshit. Also, what's the mechanic behind AOAs?Because the second time I did it it actually did less than 30 damage for some reason.

Just down him and tell him to fuck off by extorting money from him. All the dungeons will have one enemy that are like that.

use status ailments

Guess I'd have to do it, but it will leave a sour taste on my mouth finishing the thing without defeating it
Only Ann has Dormina, which works, , but doing Technical damage doesn't seem to do much of a difference

Still better than Marie

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so was royal actually worth getting if you played the original or nah


Go play pool after it unlocks, pool increases the bonus on technical damage.

Also play darts to increase your damage buff on baton pass. Definitely play darts with the teammate you unlock when you reach the space dungeon, the final boss can be near impossible on harder difficulties without it

you can get dormina

So did a demon attack her at school, or a one friend she forgotten wanted revenge, or a crazy psychopath that remember her from another world trying to force her person out?


For the gymnastics, she didn't want to commit to the PTs if it meant half assing it. She felt like she'd put them in danger if she wasn't fully committed to them. Not to mention she fundamentally disagrees with their methods.
For Shido it kinda makes sense. She'd be throwing herself into the fire when she had no stake in it beforehand and would've made herself a target, not to mention her offer to help was more like some obligation because "she has a persona so she should fight." The stakes had changed between September and December. As shitty as it is Morgana was in the right to refuse her.

Why use something like the rumor system and let the player choose between having her as a party member or Goro? Like with Nanjo and Elly in P2EP.

rumors dont grant power in the metaverse

worse than her not being in the party, i already had a strong holy spammer persona, even if you romance her she appears so sparsely in the ending you bump shoulders with her and that's it

They added a grappling hook for some verticality, but most of those just lead to will seeds, which transform into unique accessories when all 3 are collected.