This is the best FPS game I've ever played. How the fuck did it fail?

This is the best FPS game I've ever played. How the fuck did it fail?

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People we're just not ready for it.
FPS is pretty dead besides CSGO and games that have "deeper then illustrated movement" are not what the market wants.
People also want a ranked mode they can brag about.
I hope the servers at least stick around for a long time though. It's a blast.

It's too hard
Low IQ are used to flat maps with no amount of verticality
Ironically, same reason why Arena Shooters are out of favor

get over your shitty CoD clone

>How the fuck did it fail?

Origin exclusive. Fuck EA.

I wish it wasn't dressed up in swamp-ass carrot-chasing CoD/BF game design.
The fighting and movement and physics were kino but the actual game was just the same repetitive stuff over and over again in order to unlock ebin shit

Put it on Steam and watch it fucking flourish.


There is a pilots only mode retardo

The singleplayer was good but short, meanwhile the multiplayer had shit maps on launch and multiplayer is all normies care about. Also the first game having a rocky reputation didn't give the sequel the best foundation when entering the market.

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Lack of content, they released the operations mode and after EA bought Respawn they didn't release any more updates after that, the game slowly declined to the state it is today.

it seems that respawn stopped working on addons for titanfall 2 to make a game called apex legends =)

Respawn went to fucking EA.

It was released between the COD and Battlefields of that year. EA sent it out to die.

I'm still salty about this, respawn just gets dicked over time and time again, when they make pretty good games.

it's karma for putting us on the Cod4 unlock grind path

By being CoD with another coat of paint and releasing in between Battlefield and real CoD with like no marketing.

Literally just the release window, look into what came out within the same month.

I really like Frontier Defense but unfortunately you have to wait forever to get into a match, then your moron teammates all pick Monarch or Legion, or some other Titan that isn’t suited for the map. Two of them will leave by wave 4 and you’re fucked. Sucks cause it’s a fun horde mode.

It released like along side Battlefield 1 and some CoD game or something. The single player is honestly great, probably one of the better single player shooters I've played despite the two weapon limit and small enemy variety.

multiplayer is just as shallow as CoD though. If it were only projectile weapons it'd be a lot better, but the hitscan weapons kill the movement system and drop the games skill ceiling hard.

>I have an opinion on a video game, but I haven't actually played it
oh Yas Forums!

Meme answer, the entire market shifted to copy Titanfall 1s verticality and jump pack gameplay.

The reason why Titanfall 2 failed is because EA did absolutely nothing to market it and also sabotaged its sales by releasing it right in between call of duty and battlefield releases

too much gay hitscan in multiplayer
campaign was good though

The maps the game shipped with were garbage by and large, they don't even feel like they were designed for fast pilot movement so it was hard to appreciate the only unique thing the game had.

did it really fail? all i ever hear is hype and praise for it. how can a game with such good word of mouth really fail? even if it didn't hit all the sales figures, the prestige generated is a kind of currency of its own.

>too much gay hitscan in multiplayer
wtf does this mean?


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Respawn couldn't retain the playbase with their lackluster DLC

Doing a clutch escape at the end on TF1 was super fun, I never got sround to play 2

Yeah that's why the latest Call of Duty has it...
Oh wait

Titanfall 2 had a large initial playerbase on all platforms that respawn failed to maintain. The argument that EA killed it by releasing it between battlefield and COD is just cope at this point.

Did you forget about black cocks 3 and infinite warfare?

I mean a lot of CoD developers worked on it so calling it a clone isn't really fair. especially since its better than any CoD aside from maybe 4

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People think that every game has to be the next overwatch with 200k concurrent players or its a failure.
The fact that its still reasonably active today shows that it was a success in some regard

this, I wish og Titanfall could have survived longer than its sequel did

Is it reasonably active? Last time I checked it was a ghost town, only thing I could get into reliably was the horde mode. PC by the way.

Origin exclusive.
Released right in-between CoD and BF.
Fuck all marketing or advertising.
These are the three real reasons, not because it's too hard or zoomers have no taste. I saw plenty of terrible slow people, the game caters to them rather nicely and lets them still have fun in the main mode of attrition while allowing experienced players to still be a force of nature and carry entire games solo. The game just got zero support from the publisher.

Yeah they stole the ideas, but Call of Duty sells regardless
I don't understand your point

As other anons pointed out it was released at the worst time possible with all the other big shooters getting their games out. Also it didn't help that everyone was using the exoskeleton jump'n'slide in everything at the time.
The mech were sick tho. The Ronin one was cool as fuck

I don't understand why you brought it up user, there was clearly a trend for a few years where that fast movement and verticality was a design focus. Three cod games and even Halo got in on it. That the latest cod game doesn't is proof of what exactly?

All the other answers in this thread arent wrong but they also arent correct.
Titanfall 2 failed because EA forced Respawn to rush the game for a specific release date.
That release date was 1 week after battlefield 1 (or v) and COD: Infinite Warfare or some shit.
Also, if you want a fun single player experience, try Doom Eternal. If you like going FAST in titanfall, you'll love meathook grappling. Both games have very similar physics since TF|2 runs on source and D:E is on Id tech 7, both derivative of the original quake engine.

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Yo, anyone still playing it on the PS4? Also, when is Woolie gonna get in on it?

They losing, that's a drag.

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this mainly some of my friends didnt even realise that it also released on playstation since they dont keep up with releases and mainly play fifa or cod ergo the normal consumer and if they dont get it or are otherwise confused your sales are gonna be shit

Not sure what the number are but I can still get games for attrition in a couple of minutes in the EU. I think the US servers are dead

>Battlefield 1
>Initial release date: October 21, 2016

>Titanfall 2
>Initial release date: October 28, 2016

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The solo was correct and short, so all that's left is the multiplayer.
If I remember right, there were very few different modes, a shit matchmaking, and no feeling of progression. I think on PC there was never more than 5k players.

multiple people already made this point annon.

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I'm really disappointed if that's the best FPS you have played. For fuck's sake, there are 23 year old games that are better than that.

there are also still private communities around for MegaTF

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You are aware baby boomers are at minimum 56 years old and do not play video games, right?

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I played both, and gotta say, I enioy the movement more in TF2. Eternal's is alright, but you can practically feel this is the studio's just starting to get a handle on this sort of thing, with a lot of tightening and tweaking needed, especially the platform part of the levels. The number of times I've died to needing everything to be just auoer precise is dumb(right time to jump, to latch to sides, to grab the air jump powerup, and so on).